Selected Accomplishments, Honors and Awards:



•	Creation and direction of the Juarez Lincoln Marti international education project that fosters exchanges mainly 
(but not exclusively) between American and Mexican universities. Among other achievements, 18 Mexican professors and one American 
administrator have visited the other country, to attend professional meetings, most with full scholarships, and several 
boxes of textbooks have been donated and distributed, through this project.

•	Chartered Statistician Fellow, of the Royal Statistical Society

•	Regional Director (for Upstate NY and PA) of the American Society for Quality (ASQ).

•	Candidate Reviewer for the Fulbright Specialist Speaker Roster.

•	Candidate Reviewer for the Graduate Scholarship of the EPA/STAR Program.

•	Director, Qual. Rel. & Cont. Improvement Institute Web Page:

•	Taught two dozen short (three to five days) faculty development workshops, on methods for teaching with, and infusing 
technology, simulation and cooperative learning techniques in statistics and science, using DL.

•	Design and proposal of a joint university-industry research center for business and economic development.

•	Maintaining two Email lists for the information of faculty and scientists in Mexico and Iberoamerica: one on 
Technology and International Education and a second one on Ecological research matters.

•	Development, with a team of international professors, of a complete Masters degree curriculum in Operations Research, for 
the University of Comahue, in Neuquen, Argentina.

•	Development of an international education project with Venezuela that brought a college professor to SUNY to pursue a 
one-month novel internship program with Dr. Romeu.

•	P.I. in four international education proposals: two for NSF/International Operations (developing simulation studies of 
ecosystems); two for FIPSE/NSF (moving American college students to study sciences and statistics).

•	P.I. in ten (IITRI and SU) proposals for NSF (establishment of international REU Site) and Dept. of Education 
(collection and study of NCES student data and establishment of an international education clearinghouse).

•	International Education consultant (Fundayacucho) for Venezuelan university (UNERG) developing faculty and student 
workshops in technology infusion and use and assessing the university institutional needs.

•	International Education Program Proposal Reader for FIPSE/Dpt. Education and NSEP/DOD competitions and Member of the 
Expert Panel for the NSEP Program proposal final selection;

•	Published numerous articles on experimental research and statistical assessment of the effects of new teaching 
methodologies, the use of technology, contextual projects and cooperative learning techniques in statistics and science 
education. See, for example: 

•	Published several articles on the use of technology and the Internet in the development and implementation of 
international education and exchange projects and on his experiences in using Distance Learning techniques.

•	Developed and taught several Statistics  professional Training Courses, and a sequence of applied statistics 
tutorials for the Internet. 

•	Member, national committees, sections and boards of several international professional associations 

•	Reviewer for several statistics, computers and O.R. professional journals

•	Newspaper and radio journalist with over 200 articles in US, and foreign newspapers. 

•	Writer, with two short story books (in Spanish) already published and several stories in anthologies.

•	Member of several community and professional organization leadership and institutional boards.


     Elected Vice President of the North East Quality Council NEQC (2016).

     Appointed Projects Evaluator for the Fulbright Roster Speaker Program (2015).

     Elected Director, Region II (Upstate NY & PA), Amer. Soc. for Quality (2014)     

     Re-inducted in the Fulbright Roster Program as Senior Speaker Speacialist (2013)      

     Appointed Deputy Director for Amer. Soc. for Qual. Region II (2012)

     Editor, Special Issue in Honor of Dr. Dudewicz;  Journal of Combinatorics, 
	Information and  System Sciences (Vol. 36, No. 1-4,0). 2011.

     Editor, Special Issue on Industrial Applications. Journal of Colombian Statistics 
	(RCE/UNAL). 2010.

     Saaty Award: Best Paper, Applied Statistics. Amer.Jour.Math.Mgmt.Sci./AJMMS. 2009.

     Air Force OSR/Rome Lab Summer Research Associate Award/Grant (DOE). 2008.

     Air Force OSR/Rome Lab Summer Research Associate Award/Grant (DOE). 2007.

     Fulbright Senior Speaker Specialist to Quito, Ecuador (IPN). 2006.

     Elected Senior Member of the American Society for Quality (ASQ). 2005.

     Fulbright Senior Speaker Specialist to Dominican Republic (UCSD). 2004.

     Fulbright Senior Speaker Specialist to Mexico (U. Veracruzana). 2003.     

     Engineering Development Award; Mohawk Valley Exec. Eng. Counc. (2002)

     Inducted in the Fulbright Senior Speaker Specialists Roster Program (2001-06).

     Senior Speaker Specialist Grant (Mexico) US Dpt. of State (2000).

     Re-joined IIT Research Institute, as Senior Engineer; (1999)

     Retired as Emeritus Faculty of the State University of New York (1988)

     Thomas Saaty Award for best paper in Amer.Jour.Math.Mgnt.Sci/AJMMS. 1997.

     Elected Member of Sigma Xi Research Society. 1996.

     Elected Graduate Faculty Member. Cortland College. 1995.

     Fulbright Senior Scholar.  ITAM.  Mexico City. 1994. 

     Excellence in Teaching Diploma.  ITAM, Mexico City.  1994.

     Air Force Research Grant ($20K):  Monte Carlo Studies of radar processing (1993)

     Air Force Research Lab, Rome NY. Summer Program: Research Associate. (1993)

     Elected Full Member, Operations Research Society of America (1992)

     Elected Chartered Statistician Fellow; Royal Statistical Society (1991).

     Dr.  Nuala McGann Drescher UUP/NYS Faculty Award 1989.  (One year
	of Leave with full pay ($35,000) to complete the Doctorate).

     Cornell Theory Center's Supercomputer award: Development of MVN Tests Empirical Critical 
        Values and  Power Comparisons: 1990 through 1995.

     Cortland College Allumnae Teaching Improvement Grant to present paper at ASA Conference. 1992.

     Cortland College Allumnae Teaching Improvement Grant to develop Stats curriculum (1989)

     UUP/NYS Quality of Life Faculty Development Awards to present papers: (1) ISORBAC-2 Seminar,  
         San Sebastian, Spain (1987); (2) ASA Annual Meeting, San Fco, CA (1993); (3) Winter 
         Simulation Conference, Orlando, Fla. (1994)

     SUNY-Cortland yearly Teaching Merit Increase Awards: 1987 through 1998.

     Elected Fellow; Institute of Statisticians (UK; 1984)

     IIT Research Institute (1983) Committment to Excellence Award.

     Included in Who's Who in the East, in America; and in American Education.