Level 3: Postconventional

Social Contract Orientation

  1. A combined first and second grade class makes its own rules during thefirst month of the year according to a class meeting where students discuss whatis proper and improper behavior in the classroom and why a particular behavioris inappropriate (ie., who is affected by your actions)
  2. A second-grade teacher helped her students understand all aspects of amoral dilemma during a science project in which the class was incubating chickeneggs. The assignment was to open an egg each week to look at the developingchicken at various stages. Later that day, one of her students confided in herthat he thought it cruel to open an egg and kill the chick inside. She listenedwithout comment and decided to hold a class meeting discussing the topic. Theclass discussed many aspects of the assignment, including whether it really wascruel to kill a chick each week and alternatives to the assignment. Afterdiscussing all the aspects, students were encouraged to vote as to how tocontinue with the assignment (Lickona, 1993).
  1. A high school teacher uses the following handout on the first day ofclass (Lickona, 1991):

What about the second stage of this levelof Moral Development?