Types of Classical Conditioning

These are just some different instences that Classical Conditioning might beused...

Traditional Example of Classical Conditioning would be: Horn-AirPuff-Blink. If a horn sounded and then air was puffed into your eyes you wouldblink. If this happened enough times, you then would just have to hear the hornand you would blink.

What are the basic components of this scenario, during ClassicalConditioning

Which is the Conditioned Stimulus? (Horn)

Which is the Unconditioned Stimulus? (Air Puff)

Which is the Unconditioned response? (Blink)

These are some questions that you need to be asking yourself as you makeyour way through this tutorial. If you answers were that the Horn was the(CS)and the Air Puff was the (US) , and finally the Blink was the (UR), then youhave got a good concept of the parts of classical conditioning, if not then Iwould go back and review some of Classical Conditioningbasics.

An Every Day Example of Classical Conditioning would be Pavlov'sDogs. Dinner Call-Food-Salivate. When the dinner bell rang the gods then gotfood, they would then salivate.

Which is the Conditioned Stimulus during Classical Conditioning inthis example? (Bell)

What is the Unconditioned Stimulus during Classical Conditioning?(Food)

What was the Unconditioned Responce during Classical Conditioning?(Salivation)

And finally a Classroom Example would be Test is called out by theteacher, the test is then given, then the students perspire.

During Classical Conditioning

What is the Conditioned Stimulus?

What is the Unconditioned Stimulus?

What is the Unconditioned Responce? (Theanswers are at the bottom of this page)










Conditioned Stimulus was when the teacher called out the word test.

Unconditioned Stimulus was when the test was handed out.

Unconditioned Responce was when the student perspired.

These are just a few of the many types of Classical Conditioning. Can youthink of any others?