Julie Barclay

Office: Van Hoesen C-119J

Phone: Ext. 2922

e-mail: julie.barclay@cortland.edu

Office Hours: 
Mon/Wed 1:30-2:30pm, 
Tues 9:00-10:30am
or by appointment



GLY 171: Earth Science Spring 2012

This course will cover the basic concepts and principles of geology, meteorology, and oceanography, while emphasizing the scientific method. It will provide an understanding of the world we live in and the natural processes acting on it, as well as examine the interaction between humans and the environment.  Not open to geography, mathmatics or science majors or to students with credit for GLY160 or GLY 261.



M.A. Geology (1997), University at Buffalo

B.S. Geology, Environmental Science Minor (1995), Lafayette College

(*Note: Some publications listed under my former name, Julie L. Gloss.)

Germanoski, D. and Barclay, J., 2000.  Debris flow fans and rock-cut, fan-shaped landforms in the Ridge and Valley Providence, east-central Pennsylvania. Southeastern Geology, v. 39, no.  3 & 4, p. 315-327.

Barclay, D.J., Gloss, J. L.*, Calkin, P.E., and Wiles, G.C., 1998. Late Holocene advance and retreat of tidewater glaciers in Yakutat Bay and Icy Bay, Gulf of Alaska in Proceedings of the Workshop on Tidewater Glaciers, Feb 28-March2, 1997, Columbus, OH.

Gloss, J.L.*, Barclay, D.J., Calkin, P.E., and Frank, D.C., 1997. Tree-ring based glacial chronology of Icy Bay, Gulf of Alaska, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with programs, v.29.

Barclay, D.J., Calkin, P.E., King, G.S., Gloss, J.L.*, Wiles, G.C., and Jacoby, G.C., 1996. Ice-dammed lakes of Russell Fiord and Icy Bay, southern Alaska, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v.28, n.3, p.A-37.

Gloss, J.*, and Germanoski, D. 1995. Differentiation of alluvial fans and fan-shaped pediments in the central Appalachians, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Progams, v.27, n.6, p.A-47.

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