The Foreign Language Teaching Forum is an integrated service for FL teachers, dedicated to encouraging communication, sharing, and collaboration at all levels. Our broad discussion topic is foreign language teaching methods for any level of instruction in all languages. Specific areas of discussion include school/college articulation, training of student teachers, classroom activities, curriculum, and syllabus design. Students in teacher training programs, teachers both new and experienced, administrators, and other professionals interested in any aspect of foreign language teaching are invited to participate in our discussions.
The basic premise of the list is that as professional Foreign Language teachers we are all in this together and are here to help one another. The moderators expect all participation in FLTEACH to be supportive and collegial and to follow the basic rules of good Netiquette.
FLTEACH resources include:
- This web site (hosted by the State University of New York College at Cortland)
- The email LISTSERV Academic Discussion List (
(The email LISTSERV will be shutting down on Dec. 31, 2024.)
- List archives (hosted on a computer at SUNY Buffalo)
- Subscription data, subscriber biographies, web interface.
- An FLTEACH Facebook group is managed by Polly Franklin.
Information about many of these and other features of FLTEACH can be found under the Ancillaries tab.
FLTEACH was founded in February 1994 by the moderators, Jean LeLoup (US Air Force Academy) & Bob Ponterio (SUNY Cortland, Modern Languages Department).
Subscribing and setting your options
To SUBSCRIBE just send an email message in plain text, avoid any special formatting. Follow the directions in the box, but if your name is not Snow White, please use your real name.. No signature, and it doesn't matter what is in the subject line. You will be sent a Welcome Message with instructions on how to use FLTEACH by return e-mail.
After subscribing, many FLTEACH Subscriber Options (MAIL, NOMAIL, UNSUB, INDEX, DIGEST, etc.) may be set by sending a command to LISTSERV. You can also SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE, or change any OPTIONS using our Web interface page. For the web interface to work, you first need to create and confirm your FLTEACH password. It's easy and safe. If you forget your FLTEACH password, you can just make yourself a new one. When using this feature, be sure to type your email address EXACTLY as it appears in your FLTEACH subscription and make sure that it is the exact address that your email server uses or it will not work.
Send plain text FLTEACH postings by email to ; no attachments please.
Please be sure to follow the FLTEACH list posting guidelines found in our Welcome Message whenever contributing to the discussion. The FLTEACH email discussion listserv is closely moderated and does not allow advertising of programs, materials or services.
Please note that all FLTEACH postings are permanently located in public, searchable archives. The moderators do NOT edit these archives. Please do not send posts that you do not wish to be found in these public archives.
Previous external funding
In the past, FLTEACH was partially supported by two grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
- First (1997-2001) through a "Teaching with Technology: Educational Development and Demonstration: Diffusion and Dissemination" grant titled "FLTEACH: Communication Technologies for Professional Development and Foreign Language Instruction." We appreciate having received contributions from individuals to help meet our $10,000 goal for matching funds. You can see the details of that grant objectives and timeline as well as a listing of generous FLTEACH supporters.
- Next (2002-2006) through an "Exemplary Education Project: Dissemination Project" grant titled "FLTEACH: A Model for Professional Development and Foreign Language Instruction."
Currently, FLTEACH has no funding and is supported by the moderators.