ESL/LEP Module
SUNY Cortland

Content Areas

Activity #1 - Elementary Education

Ok, Elementary Education preservice teachers, you are here. Peruse the articles; select one of interest to you.  Outline this article and prepare a five to ten minute oral presentation on it for your class.  Develop discussion questions to accompany your presentation and then lead the discussion.

Learning English: How School Reform Fosters Language Acquisition And Development For Limited English Proficient Elementary School Students
Beryl Nelson

Help! They Don't Speak English Starter Kit for Primary Teachers.
A Resource Guide for Educators of Limited English Proficient Migrant
Students, Grades Pre-K-6 [3rd Edition]

Identifying and Serving Recent Immigrant Children Who Are Gifted
Carole Ruth Harris

School Reform and Student Diversity. Volume I; Findings and Conclusions

Also, if you search the ERIC database for the years 1995-present using these keywords:

"limited English speaking" and "elementary education"

you will get many "hits" pertaining to your field and dealing with ESL/LEP students.  These documents are accessible either in journals (EJ######) or on microfiche (ED######)  in the Memorial Library.

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Jean W. LeLoup
Modern Languages Department
Copyright © 2000, 2014 Jean W. LeLoup; technical modifications Bob Ponterio