Teacher:  Sharon Schorr                

School:  Medina High School    

Email:  wiensnson@hotmail.com

LESSON TITLE:   La Carreta

LESSON SKILL TARGETED:  Shrum and Glisan Interactive Reading Comprehension Model


1.1 Interpersonal Communication
1.2 Interpretive Communication
1.3 Presentation
2.1 Practices of  Culture
2.2 Products of Culture
3.2 Acquiring Information
4.2 Cultural Comparisons

1.  Students will discuss and make comparisons of cultural icons in the United States and Costa Rica. (1.1/2.2/4.2)
    2.  Students will read and answer questions including expressing opinions pertaining to the reading.   (1.2)
    3.  Student will research  and create a lámina cultural on a cultural icon.  (1.2/3.2)
    4.  Students will present information about their lamina. (1.3/2.1)

1.  Smart board
    2.  Power point
    3.  Reading on La carreta
    4.  True/false worksheet on La carreta
    5.  List of cultural icons and instructions for project
    6.  Computer lab - either laptops or at least 5 pcs


Model II:  Phases Sample Class Activities
Preparation What is a cultural icon?  
1.  Students will brainstorm American cultural icons in groups of 3.
2.  Students and teacher will answer the questions:  What do they represent?  How do you feel about the icon?
3.  Students and teacher will discuss the importance of coffee while watching a power point including la carreta and its use.
4.  Students and teacher will identify the product, practices and perspectives of  the carreta using the triangular diagram on the board.
5.  Students and teacher will discuss the effect of  la carreta on Costa Rica's development.
6.  Students and teacher will discuss educational practices in Costa Rica pertaining to textbooks and the use of láminas educativas.

Comprehension 1.  Student will skim for gist and complete worksheet containing true/false statements about the  reading.  See "Parte A" worksheet.
2.  Students and teacher will discuss answers, focusing making false statements true.
Interpretation Students will read La carreta and answer the questions pertaining to the reading, including expression of their opinion.  See "Parte B"  worksheet.
Application 1.  The student will go to the computer lab and research 2 additional facts about carretas.
2.  The students, in groups of 4, will also cut and paste a photo/picture of a carreta in the assigned color on a power point slide.   Colors assigned will be yellow, red, brown, blue, black, orange, white, and yellow.
Before releasing them to search, we will brainstorm key words together - carreta, ox carts, Costa Rica, el dia de Boyero, Sarchí....
3.  The groups will explain to the class their facts and power point slide of the carreta they found including a description.  
Extension Students will research other cultural icons from Costa Rica in pairs from the list given and create una lámina educativa.  The lámina must include the following :  
*importance/use of item
*what it represents
*emotional sentiment toward icon (if any)
*when used, changes in icon that have taken place over time
Students must follow the format of the lámina educativa about the carreta.
Students will present the information to the class.
Students  will explain the 3 P's (product, practice and perspective) of their topic to the class given the triangular diagram.

  1.  History and importance of la carreta
    2.  Importance and use of láminas educativas
    3.  General information cultural icons of Costa Rica - see list of research topics for groups

1.  Power point  
   2.  Smart board
   3.  Internet