Creating a web-based activity page: detailed steps
Jean LeLoup & Bob Ponterio
SUNY Cortland
© 2004 |
Getting started:
We will use Netscape Composer to create the WWW page (Netscape
free and very simple to use). This handout will walk you through
some basic steps of web page creation in order to familiarize you with
the possibilities in Netscape Composer. First work through these
steps, and then move on to your web activity page. It is possible
to select formatting options using menu items or toolbar buttons.
Before starting, it is a good idea to plan your page carefully
making a picture of how you want it laid out on the page, storyboard, as you might tell a
student to do an outline
before writing a paper. We will create a new page from a blank.
- Open Netscape Communicator. Menu item:
File / New /
Composer Page.
- Type your name, title, department &
institution, office
location, and telephone number on separate lines. Use the ENTER key for
line breaks as you would in your word processor.
- Select your name.
- Change the font from Variable Width to Ariel or
Times New Roman
using Menu item: Format / Font.
- Make your name large using Menu item: Format /
- Change the text color to a color of your choice
using the color
drop down box or Menu item: Format / Text color.
- Make your name Bold and Italic. Menu
item: Format / Text
- Center your name using the alignment drop down
box or Menu item:
Format / Align.
- You decide that your italic centered name looks
Realign it to the left margin and remove the italic format.
- Save your page on a floppy or the hard drive
with the name
MYPAGE.HTML. You will be asked to give your page a title. (Never put any punctuation or spaces in
file names on the WWW.) Remember where you saved it because
EVERYTHING you will put on the page will have to go in this same
location: drive, folder, etc.
- Insert a blank line between your name and your
title. Then
select your title, office location, and telephone number.
- Make them a bulleted list. Menu item: Format /
List / Bulleted.
- That was a bad idea. Remove the bullets
and indent them
instead. Menu item: Format / Increase indent.
- Type "Jean & Bob's Department".
Select This text and
then turn it into a web link. Use the link button or Menu item: Insert
/ Link. Type the URL for their department's home page:
- Find any web page that you like. Type the name
of the page and
turn it into a link by copying the URL from your browser.
- Select the menu Format / Title and
Properties. Change the
page title by putting your name in the page title location.
Select the menu Format / Page Colors and Background, and click the Use
Custom Colors button. Select the background color and chose a
color that you prefer. Make it light to allow adequate contrast so your
page is easy to read.
- Make a table by positioning your cursor under
your name and
clicking on the Insert Table button or selecting the menu item Table /
Insert Table.
- Give the table 2 rows and 2 columns.
- Select your personal information (except your
name). Cut
the text and Paste it into the left pane of your table.
- Make sure that a photo or image that you want
in your page is saved on your floppy or hard drive in The Same Location as your
Use this photo of French bread if you don't have an image to use.
- Place your cursor in the right pane of your
table and click
Insert Image or select the menu item Insert / Image. Click Chose
File, and find the file name of the image that you wish to insert.
- Place your cursor below the table and select
Insert / Horizontal
- Below the line type your email address.
An activity page: for later practice on your own
- By now you should feel fairly comfortable with
basic formatting
in Netscape Composer. You are ready to create a page w/a
web-based activity!
- Using the knowledge you gained from working
through the steps
above, create your page and include the following: 1-2 images, a sound
file (either original recording or one you obtained from the web - just
link to it as you did to the image), a link to an outside source on the
- Just a note about style: Format to your heart's
content, but try
to follow basic principles of good style, so don't overdo it. A
left margin tends to look better than text flush against the edge of
your browser window. Items look better if they line up. Big
blocks of text without white space look bad and are difficult to
read. Too many different colors, fonts, text sizes or styles
detract from your message. Use style to enhance your message, not
to distract from it.