This page is here to thank all of those who generously supported the FLTEACH project under our NEH grant matching funds program in 1997-2001.

Thank you to all who have supported this project through their generous contributions.

Corporate and business contributions are also welcome and are acknowledged on our page for corporate and business sponsors .

The Bottom Line

     The FLTEACH discussion forum and WWW page projects were partially supported by Grant ED-20791-97 from the National Endowment for the Humanities. We are quite pleased with this support from NEH and the endorsement of FLTEACH that it represents. The three year grant is for $50,000 in outright funding plus an additional $10,000 in matching federal funds. We successfully raised the same amount in non-federal funds (i.e., donations from foundations, individuals : sponsors ).

The Nitty Gritty

     If you have ever worked with grant budgets, you will realize that a certain percentage of the monies must go to such items as indirect costs for the university, fringe benefit payments for salaries and stipends, and the like. What starts out looking like a large pot of money gets whittled down very quickly. Unfortunately, we had to cut many things from our original budget, such as a desktop server, software to help run the list, a multimedia portable computer and travel money for conference attendance so we can talk up FLTEACH!  **;-) These things will be replaced in the budget and overall workplan if we receive enough additional funding or if such goods are donated (i.e., the server and/or the portable computer).  We have indicated below a rough idea of how we plan to spend the original grant monies.
(includes course release time and summer stipends)
(for the above)
Indirect Costs

Bird's Eye View

     This page has been compiled so that you can see how your friendly FLTEACH moderators are hard at work.  ;-)  Below is an overview of the activities under the grant.

Grant Activities



WWW page and technology-related



Time-line for activities

Summer 97:
    attend conference: NEH-Washington
     outline WWW site development
     moderate FLTEACH List
     design student internship
     WWW site maintenance
     begin WWW site development
     publicize List and WWW activities

Fall 97:
    develop procedures for student interns
     train student intern for List and WWW support for Fall semester
     moderate FLTEACH List
     attend conferences: NYSAFLT, ACTFL-Nashville (grant related but not supported)

Winter 97-98:
    WWW site development of pedagogical materials - call for contributions
     moderate FLTEACH List

Spring 98:
    train student intern for List and WWW support for Spring semester
    WWW site maintenance
     moderate FLTEACH List

Summer 98:
    WWW site maintenance & development
     moderate FLTEACH List
     buy and set up desktop server (if funding or donation allows)

Fall 98:
    train student intern for List and WWW support for Fall semester
     train PDs in use and maintenance of desktop server
     begin porting FLTEACH resources to desktop server
     WWW site maintenance
     moderate FLTEACH List
    attend conferences: NYSAFLT, ACTFL-Chicago
     publicize List and WWW activities

Winter 98-99:
    WWW site maintenance & development
     moderate FLTEACH List

Spring 99:
   train student intern for List and WWW support for Spring semester
    fine-tune operation of desktop server; begin using it as primary FLTEACH server
    develop data-base operations associated with desktop server
    install new WWW resources on desktop server
    WWW site maintenance
     moderate FLTEACH List
     publicize List and WWW activities

Summer 99:
    WWW site development
     moderate FLTEACH List
     develop enhancements for desktop server

Fall 99:
    train student intern for List and WWW support for Fall semester
    WWW site maintenance
     moderate FLTEACH List
     attend conferences: NYSAFLT, ACTFL-Dallas

Winter 99-2000:
    WWW site maintenance & development
     moderate FLTEACH List

Spring 2000:
    train student intern for List and WWW support for Spring semester
    WWW site maintenance
     moderate FLTEACH List
     survey WWW resource users
     prepare final project report