FLED 4480


I. FLED 4480 All sections
Student Teaching in Foreign Languages, P-12
12 semester credit hours
PREREQUISITES:  1) FLED 4413, 2) FLED 4410, 3) FLED 4412, and 4) Prior admission to student teaching by College of Education.  Liability insurance is required prior to enrollment in this course.

Spring Semester 2000—January 10 – May 2, 2000
The March 6-10, 2000 Spring Break at KSU may not coincide with the calendars of the public schools.  The public school calendar takes precedence.
There is no written final exam for this course
The last day to withdraw without grade penalty is March 17, 2000

II. University supervisor:
Dr. Carol Wilkerson
Office:  Library 456    Office phone (770) 499-3239
Dept. phone: (770) 423-6366   FAX   (770) 499-3386
Office hours: By appointment only
E-mail:  cwilkers@kennesaw.edu

III. Meeting times: The university supervisor will observe students at various school sites according to their respective schedules.  In addition, students must attend conferences and seminars.  Please refer to the course outline for specific dates and details.

IV. Required Textbooks: the collaborating teacher will provide Teaching text(s).
Shrum, J. & Glisan, E.  (1999) Teacher’s handbook: Contextualized language instruction, 2nd Edition.  Boston: Heinle and Heinle.  ISBN 083840879-6
Danielson, Charlotte.  (1996).  Enhancing professional practice: A framework for teaching.  Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

V. Catalog course description: Full-time teaching experience in foreign language under the supervision of a public school cooperating teacher and college supervisor.  Must have prior approval of College of Education to Student Teach.

VI. Purpose/ rationale: This course is meant to serve as a final, full-day field experience prior to licensure.

Conceptual framework:
The “Collaborative Model for Preparing Professional Learning Facilitators” is the basis for all of Kennesaw State University’s teacher education programs.  Working from a solid content background, the teacher as facilitator demonstrates proficient and flexible use of different ways of teaching to actively engage students in learning.  Facilitators are well versed in the characteristics of student of different ages, abilities and cultural backgrounds.  They are skilled in integrating technology into instruction and create an environment in which students can be successful and want to learn; facilitators know when and how to asses learning by means of various forms of traditional and authentic assessments.  Facilitators are well prepared for successful careers in teaching are expected to act in a professional manner in all circumstances with colleagues, parents, community members, and their own students.  As a professional educator, the teacher facilitator values collaboration and seeks opportunities to work with other professionals and community members to improve the educational experiences for children and youth.

This course complements the sum total of students’ academic and professional preparation, including content knowledge and professional knowledge in areas such as the Georgia Quality Core Curriculum, the National Standards in Foreign Language, the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages’ guidelines for grades K-12; pedagogy and best practice in foreign language teaching; knowledge of technology appropriate to grade levels K-12; self-reflection and assessment; and diversity inherent in contemporary American schools.

Use of technology: Students enrolled in this course expand upon what they know about technology in schools and classrooms.  Students are expected to demonstrate proficiency in the technology requirements of the Bagwell College of Education.  For details of these requirements, see the Field Experiences Handbook (sold through the KSU bookstore) and the Foreign Language Education Program Handbook, available on-line at www.kennesaw.edu/foreign_lang.

Diversity: This course enables students to address multicultural issues, such as learning styles and strategies, family and cultural background, and gender differences, in extant, contemporary classroom settings.

Kennesaw State University provides program accessibility and reasonable accommodations for persons defined as disabled under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.  A number of services are available to help disabled students with their academic work.  In order to make arrangements for special services, students must visit the Office of Disabled Student Support Services (ext. 6643) and arrange an individual assistance plan.  In some cases, certification of disability is required.

VII.  Course goals: The Professional Teacher Education Unit (PTEU) prepares learning facilitators who understand their disciplines and principles of pedagogy, who reflect upon their practice, and who apply these understandings to make instructional decisions that foster the success of all learners.  As a result of the satisfactory fulfillment of the requirements of this course, the students will be able to demonstrate competency in instructional planning and implementation, student assessment, self-assessment and target language skills necessary to be a successful foreign language teacher.  With guidance from the university supervisor and collaborating teacher, the students will:

Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural and linguistic background and needs, as well as the general social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs of the students they teach in grades P-12 (Program objective: 1A)

Demonstrate knowledge of a variety of approaches, motivational and “managing” techniques in teaching the target language in order to create a non-threatening, interactive environment (1B)

Demonstrate proficiency in their respective target language at levels(s) defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (2A)

Demonstrate an understanding of the approaches to foreign language curricula and instruction and theories of second language acquisition (2C)

Demonstrate the ability to communicate to students of all ages (P-12), peers and supervisors the skills and knowledge outlined above (2D)

Demonstrate not only the currently accepted practice(s) in foreign language education but also the challenges to proficiency-oriented instruction (2E, 2F)

Integrate theory and practice in foreign language instruction to plan, implement and assess appropriate instruction for the grade level taught (3A)

Choose, coordinate, adjust and use materials, technology and approaches for effective foreign language instruction and evaluation appropriate to grade level that encourages students to solve problems and apply skills outside the classroom (3A, 3B, 3C, 3D)

Model “global perspectives, attitudes and values” they expect their students to display with respect to the target culture, school culture and all other cultures (4A)

Collaborate in an ethical and professional manner with students, school personnel, university personnel, parents and community members for the benefit of the students and the profession (4B)

Engage in continuous self-evaluation of practice, pedagogy, language skills and professionalism, recognizing that language learning and language teaching are never-ending processes (4C, 4D)

VIII.  Course requirements/assignments/seminars: Attached.

IX.  Evaluation and performance assessment: Students enrolled in this course will earn a grade of Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory based upon evaluations made by the collaborating teacher and university supervisor.  The final grade will be determined as follows: S=85% or higher and U= less than 85%for the following assignments:

50% Effective lesson planning and implementation: The university supervisor(s) will observe each student at the school site(s) and via video recordings.  These observations may be either announced or unannounced.  Following each observation the student will schedule a conference with the university supervisor and collaborating teacher to discuss feedback.
The student teacher must show strong evidence of effective lesson planning, including implementation of assessment; classroom management in the target language appropriate to grade level and school “culture”; proficiency in the target language without excessive reliance upon English; a variety of techniques and methods appropriate to the grade level and school environment; and self-assessment of effectiveness.  The student must document that (s)he has incorporated technology into lesson planning and implementation.  Please refer to Section VI of this syllabus for details of the technology requirements.  The student must be receptive to feedback and suggestions offered by the collaborating teacher and university supervisor.

All lesson plans must include the following:
Student objectives    Activities    Materials/technology    Assessment    QCC

15% Participation in seminars and conferences for feedback: Student teachers are expected to be present at on-campus seminars, both in the Department of Foreign Languages and the Bagwell College of Education, and to actively participate in discussion of topics related to the field experiences.  Students must schedule conferences with the university supervisor and collaborating teachers to discuss feedback and progress in this course.  Students are encouraged to attend workshops and seminars offered by the school/county.  Students must document attendance and participation in seminars in the Field Log included in this syllabus.

35% Written assignments, reports, journal, Weekly Conference Sheets,  and observations: The student teacher is required to submit various written assignments detailed in the course outline.  Each Friday by 5:00, the student teacher must submit Weekly Conference Sheets to the university supervisor.  In addition, the student teacher is required to keep a written journal with weekly entries of significant events.  The journal entries should be professional and not personal, demonstrating self-analysis and self-evaluation, and averaging about ONE PAGE in length.  The student teacher should alternate between writing journal entries in English and in the target language.  Student teachers may ask the university supervisor(s) for help with grammar in these assignments but they may not ask for help from other persons.  To do otherwise risks committing academic dishonesty

X.  Academic honesty:
Every KSU student is responsible for upholding the provisions of the Student Code of Conduct as published in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs.  Section II of the Student Code of Conduct addresses the University’s policy in academic honesty, including provisions regarding plagiarism and cheating, unauthorized access to University materials, misrepresentation/falsification of University record or academic work, malicious removal, retention, or destruction of library materials, malicious/intentional misuse of computer facilities and/or services, and misuse of student identification cards.  Incidents of alleged academic misconduct will be handled through the established procedures of the University Judiciary Program, which include either and “informal” resolution by a faculty member, resulting in a grade adjustment, or a formal hearing procedure, which may subject a student to the Code of Conduct’s minimum one-semester suspension requirement.

Disruptive behavior: The University has a stringent policy and procedure for dealing with behavior which disrupts the learning environment.  Consistent with the belief that disruptive behavior can interrupt the learning of others, behavior which fits the University’s definition of disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.

Human dignity: The University has formulated a policy on human rights which is intended to provide a learning environment which recognizes individual worth.  It is expected in this class that no Professional should need reminding, but the policy is there for your consideration.  The activities of this class will be conducted in both the spirit and the letter of that policy.

XI.  Attendance policy: Students are expected to be at the school site the prescribed number of hours each week, to schedule and attend conferences with collaborating teaches and university supervisor, and to attend and participate in all scheduled seminars.  Student teachers cannot miss school or change their schedules without advanced permission of the collaborating teacher.

XII.  Course outline and schedule of assignments: Attached

XIII.  References and bibliography: Because of the diverse nature of the placements for students enrolled in this course, a single bibliography is not appropriate.  An excellent bibliography is included in each of the chapters of the required textbook.  In addition, university faculty and school personnel can suggest references particular to each student’s needs and interests.

Tentative Schedule of Assignments.  If adjustments are necessary, please note them on this sheet.  This schedule will likely change because of Spring Break and the public school calendar.

Week 1
Jan 10-14, 2000

January 10, 2000
Objectives: Student teachers will participate in Orientation Seminar scheduled by the College of Education.  Student teachers will review syllabus with university supervisor(s).
1. Attend mandatory seminar from 10:00 AM until noon, including a seminar with the university supervisor.  Professional attire is suggested.  Take 3-ring notebook, Student Teacher Handbook, paper, pen & calendar.
2. Document seminar in your Field Log.
3. The rest of the week students will observe at a school setting.  If placement is not finalized, students will participate in FLED 4413 Brown Bag seminar on Friday from 11:00 until 1:45 in Library 427 to discuss the concepts of “culture” and professionalism as they relate to schools as workplaces.

Jan 17-21, 2000
Objective:  Students will observe and/or assist classroom teacher, but not teach.  On Friday, September 3, students will participate in seminar at KSU from 3:30 until 5:00 PM.

1. Ask collaborating teacher about the technology available at the school site and the procedures for using equipment.  Secure permission to make video recordings of your teaching this semester.
2. Read chapter 12 of  Teacher’s handbook (TH), discussing technology in the foreign language classroom.  Write a list of 5 ways you can incorporate technology into your lesson planning and implementation this semester.  Keep the list in your 3-ring notebook for future reference.  You may add to this list during the semester.
3. Use the Ten Principles on pages 10 and 11 of Enhancing professional practice (EPP) to guide your observation of at least three classes that your teacher teaches this week.  Keep your observation notes in your 3-ring notebook.
4. As you observe your collaborating teacher, be attentive to patterns of teacher-student interaction and classroom management procedures.  Remember that often management is “invisible.”  Write one page in English in your weekly journal describing the “culture” of this classroom—patterns of interaction, acceptable and non-acceptable behavior, attitudes toward learning and attitudes toward the target language.  Keep your journal entries in your 3-ring notebook.
5. Ask collaborating teacher whether you might assist with portions of lessons this week and next.  If the answer is yes, ask how, when and what you are to do.
6. Ask the collaborating teacher for a copy of the Georgia QCC.  Discuss how (s)he uses it to plan lessons.
7. Attend seminar on Friday.  Take your 3-ring notebook.  It will be reviewed by the university supervisor.
8. Submit your weekly conference worksheet to university supervisor by 5:00 on Friday.

Jan 24-28
No seminar this week
Objective:  Students will observe, but not teach.  Paperwork and assignments are due by Friday at 5:00.   (I shall attend a workshop all day on Wednesday.  In the event of an emergency, please call the dept. secretary and ask her to call me on the cell phone.)
1. Read chapters 2 and 3 of EPP, discussing teachers’ responsibilities, to orient your observations this week.
2. Assist the teacher when possible.  Observe the remaining times.  Reflect upon what the teacher does “behind the scenes” in order to implement a good lesson plan.
3. Observe for 30 minutes in the main office, if possible.  Pay attention to the number of phone calls, foot traffic, procedure for students to take medicine and procedures for checking in and out of school.  Reflect upon this experience and the discussion in chapter 3 of EPP in your weekly journal, written in the target language this week.  Keep the journal entry in your 3-ring notebook.  Document this observation in your Field Log.
4. Ask teacher whether you might plan and implement a portion of lesson for each class next week.  If the answer is yes, ask how, when and what you are to do.
5. Schedule an appointment with university supervisor and take your 3-ring notebook for review.

Jan 31 – Feb 4, 2000
Objective: Students will gradually assume more responsibility for planning and implementing lessons, continue to make observations and take note of the “culture” of the school.

1. Teach a portion of a lesson in each class during this week.  You may have to stagger your teaching or teach on different days.  This may be an opportunity to implement technology.
2. Ask teacher to observe you and give you feedback.  Discuss the feedback with the teacher and put a copy in your 3-ring notebook.  For convenience, the teacher may write his/her notes on the Weekly Conference Sheet that you’ll turn in at the end of the week.
3. Observe the teacher and be attentive to rules regarding grades, make up work, absences, etc.  Remember that procedures are often invisible.  You may have to ask the teacher what the policies are.
4. Ask teacher whether you are ready to assume full responsibility for one class.  The idea is to gradually assume more responsibility while continuing to observe part of the day.  If the answer is yes, ask how, what and when you are to teach.
5. Submit tentative lesson plans to teacher and put plans and comments in 3-ring notebook.  If you need additional help, refer to TH for ideas or contact university supervisor.
6. Write your weekly journal entry in English on “My personal goals for teaching next week.”  Place journal in your 3-ring notebook.
7. Discuss Weekly Conference Sheet with teacher and submit it by 5:00 PM on Friday.
8. Check in with university supervisor by e-mail.

Feb 7-11, 2000

Objective: Students will gradually assume more responsibility for planning and implementing lessons, continue to make observations, take note of the “culture” of the school and assist the collaborating teacher.  (I’ll be at the FLAG Conference on Friday.  You are encouraged to attend.  Pre-conference workshops, fee required, begin at 8:00 on Friday.  Regular sessions begin on Friday at 4:15 PM and continue until 4:00 on Saturday.)

1. Teach as much as the collaborating teacher will allow.  This is a good time to work on the technology requirements for this course.
2. Ask collaborating teacher to observe you & keep written feedback in your 3-ring notebook.  Discuss feedback with teacher, along with ways to incorporate suggestions into subsequent lessons.
3. Continue to observe teacher and/or other “master teachers” at the school.
4. Write week’s journal in the target language on “What I learned about teaching from observing other teachers.”  You may want to refer to chapters 2 and 3 of EPP for ideas.  If you attend the FLAG conference, you may write your journal entry on what you learned about teaching from attending one or more of the sessions.  Document theses observations/conference sessions on your Field Log.
5. Ask collaborating teacher whether you might assume responsibility for half the classes.  If the answer is yes, ask when, what and how you are to teach.  Submit your lesson plans to teacher to review and place plans and feedback in your 3-ring notebook.
6. You may submit your Weekly Conference Sheets early next week if you plan to attend the FLAG conference.

Feb 14 – 19, 2000

Objective: Students will assume more responsibility for planning and implementing lessons.

1. Teach as much as the collaborating teacher will allow, aiming for full responsibility for all classes every day.
2. Ask teacher to observe various lessons and to give you feedback using notes and/or the Weekly Conference Sheets.
3. Video record one lesson.  Use a copy of the Weekly Conference Sheet to analyze your teaching.  For your journal entry this week, write a narrative analysis of the video recording, imaging yourself as a collaborating teacher or university supervisor.  Keep a copy in your 3-ring notebook and submit a separate copy to Dr. Wilkerson by Friday at 5:00 PM.  You may choose whether to write in English or the target language.
4. Ask the collaborating teacher to discuss grading, testing and assessment.  What are the teacher’s policies and procedures?  How does (s)he construct tests and evaluations?
5. Take note of your energy level.  Do you feel more energetic with certain classes?
6. Submit Weekly conference Sheets by 5:00 on Friday.

Feb 21-25, 2000
Objective: Student will assume full responsibility for planning and implementing lessons and record a lesson for later self-analysis.  (I will be at a workshop all day on Tuesday and Friday.)

1. Teach and incorporate technology into your planning and implementation.
2. Ask teacher to leave the room, if (s)he feels you can handle the students alone.  (Some schools may not allow this.  Ask the teacher.)
3. Video record one entire lesson and submit it to the university supervisor for feedback.  Schedule a time to go over feedback next week.
4. Ask the teacher to fill out your midterm evaluation from the College of Education in addition to your weekly checklist. and discuss the comments with the teacher.  Fill out a separate copy on yourself, reflecting upon your progress and areas you want to develop.
5. SIGN both the teacher’s copy and your copy before you deliver it to Dr. Wilkerson on March 13, 2000.. Please do not send by FAX because forms are often illegible when they are received.  Please do not mail the forms because they must be processed by the University mail system, requiring several additional days for delivery.
6. Read chapter 4 of EPP with special attention to pages 42-44 on analyzing an observation and lesson.  This weekend replay an earlier recording of a lesson you taught.  In your journal, write a description in the target language of what you notice that you didn’t “see” as you taught.  Include comments on the students’ comprehension of the target language, classroom management, student-teacher interaction, and assessment of the objectives of the lesson.  The purpose of this assignment is to give you a “big view’ of the classroom.  Keep the entry in your 3-ring notebook.  (You may need to write more than one page for this journal entry.)
7. Submit your Weekly Conference Sheet by 5:00 PM on Friday.

Feb 28-Mar 3
Seminar on Friday, Mar 3 from 3:30 until 5:00 PM
Objective: Students will continue with full responsibility for planning and implementing lessons and conduct a self-evaluation.

1. Teach!  Ask teacher for written feedback of you teaching your best class and your most challenging class.  Ask whether (s)he notices anything you might need to adjust or change.  Keep the feedback in your 3-ring notebook.
2. Re-read chapter 4 of EPP.  For this week’s journal write an action plan in English using the guide on page 50 for Developing Artifacts for a Professional Portfolio.  We will discuss your action plan during the seminar on Friday.
3. Attend seminar on Friday from 3:30 until 5:00.  Take Weekly conference Sheets and 3-ring notebook.  The notebook will be reviewed.  Take one video tape cued to a 3-minute segment in which you feel you demonstrate good teaching.

March 6-10, 2000
Although KSU is on Spring Break and the campus is closed, you are to follow the calendar of the public school where you are student teaching.

Objective: Students will continue to teach and self-assess the effectiveness of their teaching.

1. Teach!  Ask teacher for feedback and suggestions.  Keep these in your 3-ring notebook.

2. Read chapter 5 and through page 90 of chapter 6 of EPP.  These pages discuss a framework for teaching.  For this week’s journal write a comparison in either English or the target language of Domain 1 (planning & preparation) and Domain 2 (the classroom environment) as they relate to the Conceptual Framework of the College of Education at Kennesaw State.  You have permission to write more than one page for this journal entry.
3. Please send a copy of this journal entry to Dr. Wilkerson by Monday, March 13 along with your midterm exam from your cooperating teacher.

For the rest of the semester the schedule of course assignments will change to compensate for changes in the public school calendar.  Please make changes on this sheet and remind Dr. Wilkerson of those changes.  Each school system may have a different time for Spring Break.

March 13-17, 2000
Dr. Wilkerson must receive midterms this Monday, March 13, 2000.
NCATE visit at KSU begins this week.
Last day to withdraw from this course is Friday, March 17, 2000.
(I’ll be at a workshop from noon until 5:00 on Thursday.)
Objective: Students will continue with full responsibility for planning and implementing lessons & engage in self-evaluation based upon feedback and suggestions from teacher and university supervisor.

1. Teach!  Be attentive to differences in how you do things and how you did them at the beginning of the semester.
2. Ask the teacher for feedback or comments and file them with your weekly conference worksheet.
3. Discuss assessment with teacher.  What are options for grading, evaluating and assessing student performance?  Are grades entered electronically?  When are grades due?
4. For this week’s journal please write a description of Domain 3 (instruction) in chapter 6 of EPP and ways you can use this Domain to guide assessment.
5. Video record a class as you teach.  This weekend replay and watch the tape with particular attention to Domain 3.  (Nothing to turn in.  Simply watch the video and take notes of your effectiveness.)
6. Submit Weekly Conference Sheets by Friday at 5:00.

March 20-24, 2000
NCATE visitors will be on campus this week.
The FLAG spoken language contest for middle and high school students is this Saturday, March 25 at Collins Hill High School.
Objective:  Students will continue with full responsibility for planning and implementing lessons, engage in self-evaluation and implementation of feedback. (I may not be able to make school visits this week because of our visitors.  IF there is an emergency, please call the department secretary and ask her to reach me by cell phone.)

1. Teach!  Take note of your energy level.
2. Ask your teacher for feedback and comments and file them with your weekly conference worksheet in your 3-ring notebook.
3. Take mental notes of your teaching “on-line” as if you were observing yourself.  Do you notice any patterns of interaction with students?  For example, do you call on all students?  Do you have a “big view” of everything that is happening in the classroom?
4. Write your journal entry in the target language on “One unexpected event that happened this week and how I responded to the situation.”
5. Check in with your university supervisor via e-mail to update her on the Spring Break Schedule and any necessary adjustments.

March 27-31, 2000
Objective:  Students will continue with full responsibility for planning and implementing lessons, engage in self-evaluation and implement feedback.

1. Teach!  Discuss with the teacher how to plan lessons and activities around the holiday schedule.
2. Continue to ask for feedback and comments from the teacher and implement then into your subsequent lessons.  File them in your 3-ring notebook.
3. Read Domain 4 (professional responsibilities) in chapter 6 of EPP.  Write your journal entry in English on your action plan to meet the elements and components of this domain.  You may write more than one page for this entry.  Submit a copy of this entry to Dr. Wilkerson by Monday afternoon of next week, April 3, 2000.

Teach:  April 3-7, April 10-14  and gradually return classes to teacher: April 17-21
Observe April 24-27   Last day in public school is April 27
Seminar, apply for license and Awards Ceremony on campus April 28, 10:00 to noon.  PROFESSIONAL DRESS IS RECOMMENDED.

Objectives for this period: Students will bring closure to the units they have been teaching and gradually return classes to the collaborating teacher.  Students will observe collaborating teacher.  Students will observe at various sites in the school.  Students will reflect upon progress and self-assess readiness to teach.  Students will discuss collaborating teacher’s final assessment and self-assessment with university supervisor by April 18, 2000.

1. Teach with full responsibility for all classes until time agreed upon by collaborating teacher.  Gradually “fade out” and return classes to teacher. And continue to ask teacher for feedback and comments.  File them in your 3-ring notebook.  (You may decide to file only one Weekly Conference Sheet during this period.)
2. When you are not teaching, observe the collaborating teacher.  Take note of his/her teaching style and effectiveness, especially in areas that you want to develop in your own teaching.
3. Take note of your energy level.  Take note of the students’ energy levels.
4. For one journal entry write in English on “Diversity and multiculturalism at this school.”  Include specific references to observations you have made, lessons you have taught and how the holiday(s) affect this school community.
5. For another journal entry write in the target language on how the school works together as a community or “culture.”  Observe at various sites (with permission and without taking written notes) such as the counseling office, the bus area, the lunchroom, and the “nurse’s office.”  Document these observations in your Field Log.
6. Ask the collaborating teacher to recommend other teachers whom you might observe.  These teachers might be Teacher of the Year, Outstanding New Teacher, another foreign language teacher, etc.  For one journal entry write in English a description of what you learned about the 4 Domains in chapter 6 of EPP by observing these outstanding teachers.
7. Review your 3-ring notebook to make sure it includes all lesson plans, comments, feedback, journals, and a complete Field Log of seminars and observations.
8. Ask the collaborating teacher to complete the final assessment.  Fill out a separate copy assessing yourself and your progress.  You may want to review chapter 6 of EPP prior to filling out the assessment.  Discuss your teacher’s assessment and sign both his/her copy and your copy.
9. Schedule a final appointment with the university supervisor sometime between April 12 and 18.  Take the final assessments and 3-ring notebook with you to the appointment.  The notebook will be graded and the final assessments will be sent to the College of Education.
10. Write a thank you note to your teacher and other appropriate school personnel.  If you feel it is appropriate, you might want to write the Field Placement Officer or secretary who confirmed your placement.

FLED 4480  Information and Grade Sheet for the University Supervisor(s)
Spring 2000

Student’s Name
Mailing address
Directions to school:
Daily schedule
Grade Information Sheet

Student teacher’s name_____________________________________

A satisfactory grade will be given for work that averages 85% or higher and an unsatisfactory grade will be given for work that averages below 85%.

Dates and descriptions of demonstrations of technology

 Dates of observations:

Strong evidence of effective lesson planning, implementation & assessment

Classroom management in target language appropriate to grade and school culture

 Proficiency in target language

 Proficiency in English

Variety of techniques and methods appropriate to grade and school environment

Self-assessment of progress

Receptive to feedback and suggestions

 Dates of conferences

 Dates of participation in seminars

 Dates of school (field) conferences with collaborating teacher

 Dates of school (field) meetings—PTSA, parent conferences, etc

 Journal entries

 Written proficiency in target language

 Written proficiency in English

 Written reports of observations