Teacher: Jenifer Young
School: Medina High School
email:  youngj@mcsoh.org

LESSON TITLE ______Los teléfonos públicos en Venezuela__________

LESSON SKILL TARGETED ______culture________ (model:  Shrum & Glisan, 2000; pp. 135-137)

CLASS LEVEL ___Spanish III____

1.1     Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
1.2     Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
2.1     Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
2.2     Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
3.2     Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
4.2     Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
5.1     Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.


        1.1, 4.2    Students discuss ways to make phone calls and the advantages and disadvantages to using a phone card rather than coins in a pay phone.
        2.1, 2.2    Students examine Venezuelan phone cards and learn how to use a pay phone in Venezuela.
        1.2, 3.2    Students listen to the tape of a Venezuelan describing how to use a pay phone and understand the information provided.
        5.1           Students search for other ways to make calls from public phones in Venezuela.

        A.  telephone card from Venezuela
        B.  photos showing the procedure for making a phone call at a public telephone
        C.  cassette with instructions to accompany the photos
        D.  worksheet

        A.  Preparation
            1.  Discuss the importance of telephones in our daily life.  What do telephones allow us to do?  What couldn't we do if we didn't have them?  List students' ideas on overhead as they contribute.
            2.  Discuss using pay phones:  When is it necessary?  Describe the procedure for using a pay phone.
            3.  Students examine a copy of a phone card from the US.  Is it decorated?  How does it work?
            4.  Students examine a copy of a phone card from Venezuela.  What does it look like?  How is it decorated?  What makes it work?
        B.  Comprehension
            1.  Students listen to a tape of a Venezuelan describing how to use a pay phone.  Given a list of the actions involved, they must put them in the proper chronological order.
            2.  Discuss the answers they have decided on.
            3.  Play the tape again, but provide students with photos of the actions that match the descriptions.  Have students label the pictures with the actions they hear.  Replay one more time to allow them to check/complete their answers.
        C.  Interpretation
            1.  Review answers on the overhead.  What did they catch?  What did they miss?  Was anything included on the tape that wasn't accounted for in the pictures?  What was it?
            2.  Students compare the similarities and differences involved in making calls from pay phones in the US and in Venezuela.
        D.  Application
            1.  With a partner, have students list the advantages and disadvantages to using a phone card versus a coin to activate a pay phone.  Do they think the US should use this system?  Why/Why not?  Have they heard/seen it used anywhere else?
        E.  Extension
            1.  Scenario:  You are in Venezuela and need to make a phone call, but you don't have a phone card.  Is there any other way to make a call from a pay phone in Venezuela?   Students will go online and research this question and will write a paragraph summarizing their search and the information they have found.

        the use of phone cards in public telephones in Venezuela

        tape player