Research Interests:
- Structural Geology
- Experimental studies of the rheology of geologic materials
- Deformation mechanisms in the continental crust
- Influence of water
- Resulting crystallographic preferred orientation patterns
- Faults and fractures in New York State
- Deformation mechanisms in partially molten rock and their
mechanical behavior
- Interaction of metamorphism and deformation
- Transformation of albite to coesite and jadeite during
Student Research:
Junior and senior students
interested in conducting research are encouraged to seek out a
professor to mentor them.
Students interested in learning more about how rocks deform, the
structures rocks make, and the ramifications of geologic
structures on other aspects of geology can work with Dr.
Students may earn credit while conducting research
resulting in a
presentation at the campus-wide Transformations Conference or even a
presentation at a professional meeting away from
campus. On
occassion, the research is incorporated into a professional
Some examples of student research follow:
- John Mythen, SUNY Cortland:
Understanding the Characteristics of Ophiolitic Mylonites and their Formation.
Poster, 2015.
- Nicole Schaffhauser and Cody Miller, SUNY Cortland:
Gleason, G., Schaffhauser, N. and Miller, C., 2012. An experimental study of the over-printing of deformation fabrics. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 44, p. 98.
- Amie Whitlock, SUNY Cortland:
Gleason, G.C. & Whitlock, A. 2011. What happens to microstructures in re-activated shear zones: An experimental approach: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 43,
no. 1, p. 148.
What happens to microstructures in re-activated shear zones: An experimental approach.
Scholar's Day
Poster: part 1, part 2, 2011.
- John-Luke Henriquez, SUNY Cortland:
Conditions of microfracturing in the Southwestern
Adirondacks by fluid inclusion analysis. Scholar's
Day poster, 2007. (joint with Dr. Bob
- Students of GLY 469 Structural Geology: Spring 2007
& 2008, SUNY Cortland:
Report on bedrock fractures, Tully Valley,
Onondaga County, NY.
- Stephanie DeSisto, SUNY Cortland:
Gleason, G.C. & DeSisto, S. 2008. A natural
example of crystal-plastic deformation enhancing the incorporation of
water into quartz: Tectonophysics, v. 446, 16-30.
A natural example of crystal-plastic deformation enhancing
the incorporation of water into quartz. Scholar's Day poster,
DeSisto, Stephanie, and Gleason, Gayle, 2006. Water content
in quartz and shear initiation of a small mylonite in the Western
Adirondacks: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38,
no. 2, p. 77.
DeSisto, Stephanie, and Gleason, Gayle, 2004.
Characterization of a small mylonitic shear zone, Western Adirondacks: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 36, no. 2, p. 100.
- Victoria Bruce, UC Riverside:
Gleason, G.C., Bruce, V.L., & Green, H.W., II.
1999. Experimental investigation of melt topology in partially molten quartzo-feldspathic aggregates under hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic
stress: Journal of Metamorphic Geology, v. 17,
Bruce, V., Gleason, G.C., & Green, H.W.,
II, 1996. Effect of deformation on melt distribution in partially molten
quartzo-feldspathic aggregates: Preliminary results: EOS
(American Geophysical Union) Transaction,
v. 77, F717.
- Hackett, W.R., Gleason, G.C., Kappel, W.M., 2009, Land-surface subsidence and open bedrock fractures in the Tully Valley, Onondaga County, New York: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 1188, 16 p. http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2009/1188/
- Gleason, G.C. & Green, H.W., II. 2009. A
general test
of the hypothesis that transformation-induced faulting cannot occur in
the lower mantle: Physics
of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, v. 172, 91-103.
- Gleason, G.C. & DeSisto, S. 2008. A natural
example of crystal-plastic deformation enhancing the incorporation of
water into quartz: Tectonophysics, v. 446, 16-30.
- Gleason, G., Hackett, W. and Tamulonis, K., 2007.
Subsidence and
landslides in Tully Valley, Central New York. In: McRoberts, C.A.
(ed.), NYSGA 79th Annual Meeting Field Trip Guidebook, p. 115-128.
- Gleason, G.C., Bruce, V.L., & Green, H.W., II.
1999. Experimental investigation of melt topology in partially molten
quartzo-feldspathic aggregates under hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic
stress: Journal of Metamorphic Geology, v. 17,
- Tullis, J. & Gleason, G.C. 1998. Effects of static
annealing on experimentally deformed quartzite and aplite: in Snoke,
Tullis, & Todd, eds., Fault-related rocks: A
photographic atlas: Princeton Univ. Press, 617 p.
- Gleason, G.C. & Tullis, J. 1995. A flow law for
dislocation creep of quartz aggregates determined with the molten salt
cell: Tectonophysics, v. 247, 1-23.
- Gleason, G.C., Tullis, J. & Heidelbach, F. 1993.
The role of dynamic recrystallization in the development of lattice
preferred orientations in experimentally deformed quartz aggregates: Journal
of Structural Geology, v. 15, 1145-1168.
- Gleason, G.C. & Tullis, J. 1993. Improving flow
laws and piezometers for quartz and feldspar aggregates: Geophysical
Research Letters, v. 20, 2111-2114.
- Bartley, J. M. & Gleason, G. 1990. Tertiary normal
faults superimposed on Mesozoic thrusts, Quinn Canyon and Grant Ranges,
Nye County, Nevada: in Wernicke, B.P., ed., Basin and Range
extensional tectonics near the latitude of Las Vegas, Nevada:
Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America Memoir 176, 195-212.
- and various abstracts