Summer Field Camp of 2002

The "Other" Awards

2000 2001 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2013 2014

Erikson "in Constant Communication" Award
To Rachel Hutchinson
For receiving the most phone calls while in the field.

"Tiger mapping-in-the-Woods" Award
To Larry Collins
For mapping while undergoing withdrawl from golf.

"He's such a nice boy" Award
To Jeremy Flaum
For being quite a hit with the older ladies.

"Queen Amidala" Award
To Amanda Buboltz
For remaining calm and collected under adverse mapping conditions. Actually for remaining calm and collected under almost all conditions except while discussing Star Wars Episodes I and II, and playing wiffle ball-ping pong.

Soap Opera Award
To Rosemary Schulz
For entertaining us daily with episodes of "The Days of Our Henry".

"No, mapping's not enough exercise for me" Award
To Elias Moskal
For constantly putting the pros to shame by running, after each long day in the field.

"Rise and Shine" Award
To Freling Wallenbeck
For joyfully prepping breakfast and for ensuring that no one misses that most important meal of the day.

"Lady Estwing" Award
To Laura Stafford
For fashionably accessorizing in the field.

"Quiet Man" Award
To Greg Laepple
For not complaining about the food. Or if he did, I didn't hear him.


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This page last updated October 20, 2010