Summer Field Camp of 2004

The "Other" Awards

2000 2001 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2013 2014

"If it ain't a fossil, I'm not looking at it" Award
To Adam English
For doing the structural geology project without looking at the structures.

"The best friend a guy can have" Award
To Kristy Auchampau
For having a mom who will do Alex's laundry.

"Just wash the socks" Award
To Alex Feulner
For really annoying his bunk-mates with...his socks.

"Is that attached to her ear?" Award
To Devin Herrick
For having the best cellular calling plan at camp.

"Mark Trail" Award
To Darren Mosher
For showing the utmost respect for the wildlife in the field.

"The Exterminator" Award
To Emily Hopkin
For eradicating the most ants, and their offspring, in the field.

"S.A.S." Award
To Vin Pezzullo
For providing his own personal supplies at camp.

"Water Hazard" Award
To Amber Lauzon
For her grace near, next to, and in the water.

"Proud Papa" Award
To Jason Smith
For designing a nearly fail-safe way to get out of field camp!

"I'm nothing without my coffee and cigs" Award
To Reba Mulch
For challenging Dr. McRoberts' coffee consumption record.

"Stealth Mapper" Award
To Nate Stahura
For eluding the professor for three hours in the field.

"Real Trooper" Award
To Dottie Ost
For still having lungs left after hacking them up each day.

"Explosive Expert" Award
To Dan Weatherbee
For asking way too many questions about how to blast a quarry.


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This page last updated October 20, 2010