Summer Field Camp of 2006

The "Other" Awards

2000 2001 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2013 2014

“No More Mr. Nice Guy” Award
To Nathaniel Hendricks
Because he used to be such a nice guy, but after three weeks of
Field Camp is a hardened, bitter, cynic.

Jacque Cousteau Award
To James Morgenthien
For lulling his bunk mates to sleep with the sounds of the sea

Brunton Buster Award
To Michael Hennessey
For the effect of his magnetic personality on several compasses

“Nature Boy” Award
To Josh Oliver
For having the greatest respect for our reptilian friends in the field

“Tough Chick” Award
To Maria Crosby
For surviving her first three weeks of field camp!

“Most Trusting Fool” Award
To Seth Brown
For letting Jen Kelly shave his head with a ‘Bic’

“Stephen Jay Gould” Award
To Michael MacKenzie
For being able to argue both sides of the evolution/creationism debate

“Happy Camper” Award
To Lauren Drake
For always smiling, even while complaining about the food

“Majestic Lion” Award
To Andy MacClugage
For his proud display of his majestic mane

American Chemical Society Award
To Stephanie DeSisto
For advocating working in a chemistry lab over field mapping

“Earl of Sandwich” Award
To Robert Kramer
For having the most problems keeping track of his lunch

“Silent Sports Star” Award
To Andy Swan
For saving the game but never bragging about it

“Warrior Princess” Award
To Megan Bradley
For sustaining the most battle scars in the field

“Mosquito Bait” Award
To Leslie Tomic
For providing the local insect population with more food than anyone else at camp

“David Copperfield” Award
To Bethany Busch
For her multiple disappearing and reappearing acts

“Perfect Lab Assistant” Award
To Jen Kelly
For her contribution to Dr. Gleason’s social experiment

“Daisy Duke” Award
To Jesse McMahon
For her enthusiasm for big trucks and beat up cars

“King George III” Award
To George H. Holmes III
For his proud display of his Brunton bulge

“Good Housekeeping” Award
To Sarken Dressler
For scattering his belongings the farthest


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This page last updated October 20, 2010