Reminder: No late homeworks will be accepted, so please hand in your homework on time.

Writing Assignment # 1 - Serious First Draft - Due ???

Writing Assignment # 2 - Serious First Draft - Due ???

Writing Assignments' Guidelines:
Your writing should be concise and clear, but it must also be precise. You should reread your paper a couple of times before submitting it. Write it in your own style and avoid stringing together a bunch of quotations. Don't quote without citing the source. When you mention some fact that is not common knowledge, indicate its source. Be careful with the description of the mathematics you write about.

Check out the following links. The first is a guide to writing mathematics, and the second is a citing and referencing guide.

To be assigned a grade of A or B on a paper, your paper should have:

If your paper has one or more of the following, you will be assigned a grade of C or D:

Writing Assignment #1: Cultural Paper - Serious First Draft.

Write a 3-4 page paper (double spaced) on one of the following topics. Prior approval by the instrucor is required for topics other than the ones listed below. Your paper should include both precise history and interesting mathematics. Writing Assignment #2: Topical Paper - Serious First Draft

Write a 3-4 paper (double spaced) on one of the following topics. Prior approval by the instrucor is required for topics other than the ones listed below. Your paper should include both precise history and interesting mathematics.