International Education Proposals Submitted
As Principal/CoPrincipal Investigator
Simulation Modeling of Environmental Problems (with CIE/ITAM).
To NSF International Opportunities. (1996).
More on Simulation Modeling of Environmental Problems (with
CUCBA/University of Guadalajara). To NSF International Opport-
unities. (1997).
On Moving 75 Students in Environmental Studies (with U. of
Anahuac and Veracruzana, Mexico; SUNY-ESF and Washington, US;
British Columbia and Guelsh, Canada). To FIPSE, US Department
of Education. (1997).
On Taking a Class of SUNY Students to Complete a Bilingual
Science Curriculum of Three Courses in Mexico (with Univer-
sidad Veracruzana). To FIPSE/Education Dpt. (1998)
On Organizing an International Education Office to develop
Exchange Activities (with IIT Research Institute). To the
NCES/Department of Education, Washington DC. (1999)
On organizing a REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates)
Institute at Syracuse University, with US Hispanic minority
and Mexican (UDLA, Puebla) engineering students during the
summer of 2004. US Students would travel to Mexico to take a
course in engineering at the end of the summer.
On organizing a REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates)
Institute at Syracuse University, with US Hispanic minority
and Mexican (Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, VEr) engineering
students during the summer of 2005. Mexican Students would travel
to the US (Syracuse University) to take a course in engineering
and spend the summer working on research.