[BI.- MCS186: Introduction to Computers I II. Instructor: Jorge Luis Romeu Office: Moffett 125 Phone: 753-2968 Email: WEB Page: Office Hours: posted on my WEB Page and Office Door College policies on attendance, exams, dishonesty, etc. are in effect. III. Course Description and Overview: This is the first course of a three-sequence on Computer Programming via Pascal. Here we learn about the techniques and the art of computer programming. Pascal is taught as a way to introduce such techniques. No previous computer experience is assumed, even when some exposure is beneficial. The course will cover elements of programming up to and including unidimensional arrays (i.e. the first part of your textbook). The second part of the textbook is covered in the second semester. After the course is over, the student will be able to attack and solve, via computer programming, simple and medium level problems. Intensive computer programming is required in this course, as well as the use of email as a permanent communication link between students and with the professor. Cooperative Learning techniques are used and group work is mandatory. We will also learn about the WEB, internet, email and other computer advances. IV. Textbook: Pascal, Programming and Problem Solving. Authors: Leestma and Nyhoff. MacMillan Press. V. Evaluation: The course evaluation will consist of four equally weighted parts: a mid-term, then a comprehensive final exam, the average of weekly quizes and the group homework and presentations. Each of these four components will contribute 25% to your final grade. Quizes will not be repeated but you will be able to drop one. Groups will be formed and you will program proyects collectivelly through them and present them to the class. The group will inform me of each member’s participation in the group work. Lack of group participation will affect your final grade. For more information, see my policy on Group Learning in my WEB Page.