Most Relevant Publications:

      Sobre el Impacto Politico y Social de la Masoneria de las Antillas Espanolas;
          Caribbean Studies (UPR), 52(1); Jan-June 2024, 95--120.  
      Un Acercamiento a la Revista ACACIA, de la Gran Logia Soberana de Puerto Rico. Presentado al 
          Congreso del CEHME de Ceuta (Octubre del 2023). A publicarse en sus Actas.
      Commented Summary of a Year of Work in Covid-19 Statistical Modeling. Proceedings of the Section  
          on Statistics in Epidemiology. JSM 2022, Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Association
      A Free Access Applied Statistics Web Page. Proceedings of the Section on Physics and Engineering  
          Sciences. JSM 2022, Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Association.
      Quality Engineering Methodology in Hurricane Mitigation Procedures (ResearchGate)

      Quality Engineering Methodology in Covid-19 Systems Design and Improvement (ResearchGate)

      Commented Summary of a Year of Work in Covid-19 Statistical Modeling. ResearchGate Web Site (ResearchGate)

      Fundacion de la Gran Logia Soberana de Puerto Rico, con la ayuda de la Gran Logia de Cuba.   
          REHMLAC, Septiembre del 2020. Vol. 12. Julio - Diciembre del 2020.
      El Instituto de Estadistica Aplicada y Mejora Continua (IEAMC): Una pagina web con material de 
          educacion estadistica, de libre acceso. CIVEEST: III Congreso Int'l. Virtual de Educacion  
          Estadistica. Feb. 2019. Internet. Espana.
      Autochthonous Freemasonry in the Spanish Antilles during the Second Half of the XIX Century.
          Ars Quatuor Coronatorum (AQC). Vol. 131, 327-352. 2018.
      El Rol de la Politica en las Masonerias Autoctonas de las Antillas Espanolas. Lisboa, Portugal. 
          CEHME, Octubre del 2018. :Publicado en sus Actas.
      Teaching New Quality Applications to the Next Engineering Generation. North East Quality 
          Councils Biannual Conference. Oct. 2018. Marlborough, MA.	
      Statistics in Support of Masonic Historical Studies. Social Statistics Section. ASA/JSM Annual 
          Meeting. Baltimore, MD. 2017. Accepted for publication in Estadistica, Journal of the 
          Inter-American Statistical Institute/IASI. (to appear). 
      Impacto Social y Educacional de los Programas de Solidaridad y Entrenamiento Pedagogico del 
          Proyecto Juarez Lincoln Marti, en America Latina. Proceedings of the Annual Symposium 
          of the Assoc. for the Study of the Cuban Economy (ASCE). Miami, FL. 2016. 
      On Political Intolerance and Cuba's Future: a Spanish Caribbean Approach. Caribbean Studies; Vol. 43, 
          No. 2 (July-December 2015), 145-175. Institute of Caribbean Studies. University of Puerto Rico.      
      Estudio Comparativo de las Masonerias Autoctonas de Cuba y Puerto Rico.
          Gijon, 2015: Masoneria Hispano-Lusa y Americana. Tomo II, 981--1006.   
      Cuban Freemasons: Analysis of a Unique  Niche. Ars Quatuor Coronatorum (AQC). 
          Vol. 127, 217-242. 2014.     
      An Analysis of the published literature on the Cuban Civil Society. Caribbean Studies, Vol. 41,  
          No. 1 (Jan.-Jun. 2013). Institute of Caribbean Studies. University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras. 
          Available in: 
      Use of SW, Groups, Projects and Presentations to Teach & Foster Applied Stats. Published in
           "Estadistica en America Latina: Tendencias y Perspectivas", Electronic Textbook edited by 
           the Central University of Venezuela, Caracas. 2013. Textbook Available in:
           Appearing in:
      Professional Organizations and the Learning of Statistics After College.  Revista  Empresarial,
           Universidad Inter-Americana de Puerto Rico). Primavera 2013, PP. 20—37.       
      Cuban Freemasons in the Development of Civil Society and a Political Opening. Chapter 18 (pp. 258+)
           In "Handbook of Contemporary Cuba". Edited by CUNY/Bildner Center. Paradigm Press. May 2013.       
       Estudio Estadistico del Nuevo Auge de la GLC: 1980-2010. XIII Simposio Internacional del CEHME.
           Gibraltar. Espana. Octubre de 2012.
       On the Statistical Education of American Engineers. RIAC Journal. August of 2012.
       Demographic Analysis of Cuban Blue Lodge Masons: technical discussion. Revista ESTADISTICA/IASI. 
           Vol. 63, No. 181, Summer of 2012.
       Estudio Estadistico del Auge y Declive de la GLC: 1945-1980. REHMLAC/Revista de Estudios Historicos
           de la Masoneria Latinoamericana y Caribeña. Vol. 3 No. 2 (2012)
       Estimating the Sample Size in Reliability Experiments. Joint ASA Quality and Productivity/Physical 
           and Engineering Sciences, Sections Newsletter. Vol. 19, No. 1. Summer of 2011.
       Demographic Analysis of Cuban Freemasons, Joint Statistical Meetings & Annual Conference of the
           American Statistical Association (ASA). Miami, FL. August 2011.
       Cuban Freemasons in the Development of Civil Society. Proceedings of the CubaFutures Conference. 
           Pages 171--190. Bildner Center/CUNY, New York City. March 2011. 
       Understanding Logistics in System Analysis. Joint ASA Quality and Productivity/Physical and
            Engineering Sciences, Sections Newsletter. Vol. 18, No. 1. Summer of 2010.
       Simulating Hail Storms Using Simultaneous Efficient Random Number Generators. A. Olmos and
           J. L. Romeu. Handbook of Fitting Statistical Distributions with R. CRC Press/Taylor 
           & Francis Grp. ISBN=978-58488-711 (bookchapter). 2010. pages 1325-1341.
       Professional Organizations and the Learning of Statistics After College. Joint Statistical 
           Meetings & Annual Conference. American Statistical Association. Vancouver, CA. 2010.
       Design of Experiments in the Modeling of Environmental Systems. Proc. Fifth Central 
           American and Caribbean Meeting. Int'l. Biometric Society, Veracruz, Mexico. 2009.
       Statistical Thinking and Data Analysis Enhancing Human Rights Work (Ch. 4) in
           Statistical Methods for Human Rights. Eds. Ascher, Banks. Springer, ASA 2008.
       Teaching Engineering Statistics with Technology, Group Learning, Projects
           Simulations and Student Presentations. Jour. Educ. Tech. Sys. 36(3), 297-304.
       On Operations Research and Statistics Techniques: Keys to quantitative data
           mining. Amer. Jour. of Math & Mgmt. Sciences, 26 (3&4). pp 293-328.
       Analyzing a Pilot Survey on Ways Practicing Engineers Learn Statistics. Joint Statistical 
           Meetings & Annual Conference, American Statistical Association. Seattle, WA. 2006.
       Teaching Engineering Statistics to Practicing Engineers. Proceedings of the International
            Conference on Teaching Statistics: ICOTS-7. Salvador (Bahia), Brasil. July 2006.
       On the Juarez Lincoln Marti International Education Project. Amer. Jour. of Math.
            and Management Sciences (AJMMS). Vol. 25 No. 1 & 2, 1--25, 2005.
           (The Spanish version, on 21--42, of the same issue).
       Measuring Cost Avoidance in the Face of Messy Data. Reliability and Maint.
           Simposium (RAMS). Los Angeles, CA. Jan. 2004.
       Design and Evaluation of Aquatic Ecosystems via Discrete Event Simulation.
           Fed. Comm. Stat. Meth. Res. Conf. Washington, DC. Nov. 2003.       
       Juarez-Lincoln Marti Project: an example of international cooperation in
           education and research. International Stat. Inst. (ISI) Bienial Conf.
           IASE Invited Session on Int'l. Ed. Berlin, Germany. Aug. 2003.
       Classroom Administration: the often neglected part of technology
           infusion. Journal of Ed. Tech. Systems. Vol. 31(1), 35-43 (2002)
       Un Proyecto para la Formacion de Profesionales Internacionales. La
           Ciencia y el Hombre. Revista Universidad Veracruzana. Fall 2001
       Operations Research and Statistics Techniques: Key to Quantitative
           Data Mining. Proceedings of the 2001 FCSM Research Conference.
       A Discussion of Software Reliability Modeling Problems. The 
           Journal of the Quality Assurance Institute. Vol. 14, No. 4. 
           October 2000.
       Technology and International Education. Journal of. Educational
           Technology  Systems. Vol. 28(4), 305-310, 1999-2000.
       A Practical Guide to Statistical Analysis of Material Data. (book)
           AMPTIAC Publ. AMTP-14. (180 pages). Rome, NY 1999.
       A Statistical Assessment of An Experiment to Compare Tradit-
           ional vs. Laboratory Approaches in Teaching Programming.
           Jour. Educ. Tech. Systems. Vol. 27(4), 319-324 (1999).
       Minitab and Pizza: a Workshop Experiment.
           Jour. Educ. Tech. Systems. Vol. 27(2), 163-168 (1998).
       A Project for Faculty Development in a Transitional Cuba.
           Proceedings of 8th ASCE Meeting. Miami, Fla. Aug. 1998.
       On Simulation and Statistical Education. Amer. Jour. of Math.
           and Management Sciences. Special Issue on Discrete Event
           Simulation. Vol. 17 Nos. 3 & 4, 1997.
       Assessment of Group Learning, Workshops and Simulations in Stat.
           Education. Proceedings of the 51st Session, International
           Statistical Institute. Istambul, Turkey. August 1997.
       Further Monte Carlo Investigations of a Model for Non Gaussian
           Radar Clutter Generation. Proceedings, Interface Symposium.
           Rice University. Houston, TX. March 1997.           
       Technology and International Education.
           Proceedings of the CIT97 Conference. SUNY-Brockport. May 1997.
       A New Test for Multivariate Normality. Amer. Jour. of Math. and
           Management Sciences. Vol. 16 No. 4, 1996. Awarded Saaty Prize 
           for Best Applied statistics paper published in 1997.
       Validation of Multivariate Monte Carlo Studies. Chapter in "Recent
           Advances in Statistics and Probability. Editors: M. L. Puri and 
           J. P. Vilaplana. Publisher: VSP Int'l Science. Netherland. 1994.
       A Statistical Comparison of Cuban Socioeconomic Development. Proceed-
           ings of Social Statistics. ASA 1994 Annual Meeting.
       Statistical Thinking in the Assessment of Human Rights in Cuba.
           Proceedings of Social Statistics. ASA 1993 Annual Meeting.
       Monte Carlo Investigation of a Model for Generation of Non Gaus-
           sian Radar Clutter. Proceedings of the Interface Symposium.
           San Diego, CA. April 1993.
       A Comparative Study of Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Multivariate Nor-
           mality. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. August, 1993.
       A New Graphical Test for Multivariate Normality. Communications in
           Statistics, Simulation & Computation. Vol. 21, No. 1, 1992.
       A Small Sample Monte Carlo Study of Four System Reliability Bounds.
           Journal of Computers and Industrial Engineering. Vol. 16, No. 1.
           Pages 117-126. 1989.
       Another Look at the Comparison of the Non Overlapping Batch Means
           and Area Simulation Output Analysis Procedures. Actas del II
           Seminario Internacional de Investigacion Operativa en el Pais
           Vasco. San Sebastian, Spain. July 1988.
       Comparison of Parametric and Non Parametric Statistical Procedures in
           Software Engineering Data Analysis. Proceedings of the Symposium
           on Statistical Analysis of Large Data Bases. Cataluna, Spain. 1987.
       Teaching Engineering Statistics With Simulation. Journal of the
           Institute of Statisticians. Vol. 35. No. 4. 1986.
       A Simulation Approach for the Analysis and Forecast of Software
           Productivity. Journal of Computers and Industrial Engineering.
           Vol. 9, No. 2. 1985.
       A Problem Statement and Classification Scheme for Combined Hardware and
           Software Reliability Modeling. Proceedings of the Annual Reliability
           and Maintainability Symposium. San Francisco, CA. 1984.

Updated: XI/2024.