Romeu's research includes statistical education and and international
education problems. Romeu has also worked on statistical and simulation
modeling and data analysis of real life systems, of aquatic ecosystems and
with Monte Carlo studies, performance evaluation of real systems and with
reliability and life modeling data analysis.
A complete listing of his published work in these areas is given below.
Some of these papers are available in the Internet, at the URL address:
Books Published:
A Practical Guide to Statistical Analysis of Material Property Data.
A State of the Art Report (SOAR). AMPTIAC Public. AMPT-14. August 1999.
(with C. Grethlein). In eight chapters and 180 pages presents and discusses
the statistics for estimation, hypothesis testing, regression and ANOVA.
In addition, Dr. Romeu has published two short story books (in
Spanish) that have been assessed by Dr. Seymour Menton, in his treatise
"Prose Fiction of the Cuban Revolution" (U.Texas Press, 1977) as one of
the two best exponents of the Cuban Exile short story. He has published
over 180 newspaper articles in the USA, Mexico and Spain, in Spanish and
in English. A selection of these articles can be found at the URL:
Chapters in Books:
A New Graphical Method for Multivariate Normality. In Multivariate
Statistical Analysis in Honor of Prof. M. Siotani on his 70th Birthday.
Eds. K. Shimizu and M. Aoshima. Publ. American Journal of Mathematical
and Management Sciences. 1996.
Validation of Multivariate Monte Carlo Studies. In Recent Advances
in Statistics and Probability. Eds. M. L. Puri and J. P. Vilaplana.
Publ. VSP International Science. Netherland. 1994.
Chapter 5: Statistical Thinking and Data Analysis in Human Right's
Work. Appeared on American Statistical Association's Human Rights Book,
Edited by Prof. David Banks.
Articles In Refereed Journals:
For more recent articles (2005+) see "publications".
Measuring Cost Avoidance in the Face of Messy Data. Reliability and
Maintainability Symposium (RAMS). Los Angeles, CA. January 2004.
Classroom Administration: the Often Neglected Component of Technology
Infusion. Journal of Ed. Tech. Systems. V. 31(1), 35-43, 2002-2003.
Un Proyecto para la Formacion de Profesionales Internacionales. La
Ciencia y El Hombre. Revista de la Universidad Veracruzana. Fall 2001.
A Discussion of Software Reliability Modeling Problems. The
Journal of the Quality Assurance Institute. Vol. 14, No. 4. October 2000.
Technology and International Education. Journal of. Educational
Technology Systems. Vol. 28(4), 305-310, 1999-2000.
A Statistical Assessment of an Experiment to Compare Traditional
v. Laboratory Approach in teaching Introductory Computer Programming.
Journal of Educational Technology Systems. Vol. 27(4), 319-324, 1999.
Minitab and Pizza: a classroom experience. Journal of Educational
Technology Systems. Vol. 27 (2), 1998-1999.
On Simulation and Statistical Education. American Journal of Math-
emathics and Management Sciences (AJMMS). Vol. 17, Nos. 3 & 4 (1997).
Pages 397--420. (Special issue on Simulation).
A Comparative Study of Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Multivariate
Normality. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. Vol. 46, No. 2.
August 1993. Pages 309-334.
A New Graphical Test for Multivariate Normality. Communications
in Statistics; Simulation and Computation. Vol. 21, No. 1, January
of 1992.
A Small Sample Monte Carlo Study of Four System Reliability
Bounds. Journal of Computers and Industrial Engineering. Vol. 16,
No. 1, pp 117-126, 1989.
Teaching Engineering Statistics with Simulation: A classroom
Experience. Vol. 35, No. 4. 1986. Journal of the Institute of
Statisticians. United Kingdom.
A Simulation Approach for the Analysis and Forecast of Software
Productivity. Vol. 9, No. 2. 1985. Journal of Computers and
Industrial Engineering.
A Study of the Analysis and Classification of Information Sources
by Statistical Methods. No. 4. 1978. Journal of Civil Engineering.
Havana. Cuba.
A Theoretical Study on Non-Linear Programming Applied to Optimum
Bridge Emplacemen. No. 3. 1977. Journal of Civil Engineering.
Also published in the Journal of Operations Research. University of
Havana. Cuba (1977).
Several Applications of Statistics to Civil Engineering. No. 2.
1976. Journal of Civil Engineering. Havana. Cuba.
Articles in Refereed Proceedings.
For more recent articles (2002+) see "publications".
Operations Research and Statistics Techniques: a Key to Quantitative
Data Mining. Proceedings of the 2001 FCSM Research Conference. Washington.
Further Monte Carlo Investigations of a Model for Non Gaussian
Radar Clutter Generation. Proceedings of the Interface Symposium. Rice
University, Houston, TX. May of 1997.
Pizza and Minitab: an experimental statistical workshop. Proceed-
ings of the 1997 CIT Conference. SUNY-Brockport. May of 1997.
A Statistical Analysis of an Experiment to Compare Traditional vs.
Laboratory Approach in Teaching Introductory Computer Programming. Proc-
eedings of the 1996 CIT Conference. SUNY-Oswego. May of 1996.
Simulation and Statistical Education. Proceedings of the Winter
Simulation Conference. Washington, DC. December of 1995.
A Statistical Comparison of Cuban Socioeconomic Development.
Proceedings of Social Statistics. ASA Annual Meeting. Toronto, Canada.
August of 1994.
Pedagogia, Simulacion y Estadistica. Proceedings of the First
Seminar on Teaching of Mathematics. ITAM. Mexico City. April of
Statistical Thinking can Enhance Cuban Human Rights Assessment.
Proceedings of Social Statistics. ASA Annual Meeting. San Francisco,
CA. August of 1993. Pages 292-297.
Monte Carlo Investigation of a Model for Generation of Non
Gaussian Radar Clutter. Proceedings of the Interface Symposium. San
Diego, CA. April 1993.
Validation of Multivariate Monte Carlo Studies. Proceedings of
the Interational Meeting of Statistics in The Basque Country
(IMSIBAC-4). San Sebastian. Spain. August 1992.
Small Sample Empirical Critical Values as a Tool for the
Comparison of Multivariate Normality GOF Tests. Proceedings of the
Interface Symposium. College Station, TX. March 1992. Pages
A Comparative Visualization Study of a Graphical Multivariate
Normality GOF Test. Proceedings of the Interface Symposium. College
Station, TX. March 1992. Pages 305-309.
Small Sample Empirical Critical Values for Multivariate Normality
Tests. Proceedings of the 1992 American Statistical Association:
Statistical Computing. Louisville, KY. January 1992. Pages 211-215.
A New Multivariate Normality Goodness of Fit Test With Graphical
Applications. Proceedings of the 13th Computers and I.E. Conference,
pp. 191-195. Orlando, Fla. March 1991.
The Computer Project in the Center of the Computer Applications
Course of a Liberal Arts College. Proceedings of the Eastern Small
College Computer Conference. Ithaca, NY. October 1989.
Another Look at the Comparison of the Non Overlapping Batch Means
and Area (STS) Simulation Output Analysis Procedures. Proceedings of
II Seminario Internacional de Investigacion Operativa en el Pais
Vasco. (ISORBAC-2). Basque Country University Press, 1988. pp
CAP100: A Dynamically Growing Introductory Computer Applications
Course for a Liberal Arts College. Proceedings of the Eastern Small
College Computers Conference. Poughkeepsie, NY. October 1987.
Comparison of Parametric and Non Parametric Statistical
Procedures in Software Engineering Data Analysis: A Case Study.
Proceedings of the Symposium on Statistical Analyses of Large Data
Bases. Cataluna, Spain. May 1987.
Numerical Comparison of System Reliability Bounds. Proceedings
of the 8th Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering.
Orlando, FL. March 1986.
Programmer's Experience as a Classification Variable in
Statistical Analysis of Software Data. Proceedings of COMPSAC-85
Symposium. Chicago, IL. October 1985.
A Simulation Approach for the Analysis and Forecast of Software
Productivity. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on
Computers and Industrial Engineering. Orlando, FL. March 1984.
A Problem Statement and Classification Scheme for Combined
Hardware and Software Reliability Modeling. Proceedings of the Annual
Reliability and Maintainability (RAMS) Symposium. San Francisco, CA.
January 1984.
An Approach to Software Baseline Generation. Proceedings of the
National Aerospace Agency/Software Engineering Laboratory 8th National
Workshop. NASA/Goddard, MD. December 1983.
Some Measurement Problems Detected in the Analysis of Software
Productivity Data and Their Statistical Consequences. Proceedings of
COMPSAC-83 Symposium. Chicago, IL. November 1983.
Final Recommendations on Optimal Bridge Emplacement. Proceedings
of the Organization de Chemins de Fer International Conference.
Sophia, Bulgaria. 1977.
Technical Presentations.
For more recent presentations (2001+) see "publications".
Some Data Problems and Solutions. Bureau of Transportation
Statistics. Washington DC. June 2000.
Statistical Education at AMPTIAC. XVI MS and School of Business
Conference on Teaching Statistics. Syracuse University. May 2000.
Statistical Education at AMPTIAC: one year later. ASA Regional
Conference on Applied Statistics. Albany, NY. April 2000.
A Discussion on Software Reliability Problems. INFORMS Fall
Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. November 1999.
Statistical Education and Literacy at AMPTIAC. ASA Regional
Conference on Applied Statistics. Albany, NY. April 1999.
Modeling Aquatic Ecosystems. Great Lakes Research Symposium
Spring 1999 Lecture Series. Clarkson University, NY. March 1999.
Modeling Aquatic Ecosystems. Great Lakes Research Symposium Fall
1997 Lecture Series. SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry.
Syracuse, NY. October 1997.
A New Model for Multivariate Normality GOF and Some Applications.
Ege University. Izmir. Turkey. August 1997.
A Simulation Model for the Study of Aquatic Ecosystems. Environ-
mental Protection Agency. Washington, DC. May 1997.
A GPSS Simulation Model for the Design and Optimization of a Net-
work of Small Dams. ASA Regional Conference on Applications of Statis-
tics. Albany, NY. April 1997.
A Project for SUNY-Mexico Student-Faculty Exchange Program. Pew
Symposium on International Education. Poster. Cornell U. June 1996.
More Progress in Monte Carlo Studies on Non Gaussian Radar Clutter.
NRaD. San Diego, CA. August of 1995.
Comparison of Cuban Socioeconomic Data Before and During Castro.
Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico. Mexico City. October of 1994.
Various 1994 Fulbright Lectures/Seminars (see separata).
Progress in Monte Carlo Validation of Non Gaussian Radar Clutter
Procedures. Rome Lab. Rome, NY. June of 1993.
Small Sample Empirical Critical Values for Multivariate Normality
Tests. Department of Computer Science. SUNY-Utica. February 1992.
Applications of Multivariate Processes. Rome Labs. Griffiss Air
Force Base, Rome, NY. July 1991.
Engineering Applications of a New Multivariate Normality Goodness
of Fit Test. Manufacturing Research Group. Department of Industrial
Engineering. SUNY-Binghamton. Binghamton, NY. March 1991.
Software Reliability: Models and Problems. Dept. Applied
Mathematics. University of the Basque Country. Bilbao. Spain, July
Software Reliability: modeling and practical consequences.
International Seminary on Operations Research in the Basque Country,
(ISORBAC-2). San Sebastian, Spain. July 1987.
A Small Sample Monte Carlo Study of Four System Reliability
Bounds. ISORBAC-2. San Sebastian, Spain. July 1987.
Another Look at the Comparison of the Non Overlapping Batch Means
and Area (STS) Simulation Output Analysis Procedures. ISORBAC-2. San
Sebastian, Spain. July 1987.
Numerical Comparison of System Reliability Bounds. Management
and Operations Research Society of CNY (MORS). Syracuse, NY. April
A Problem Statement and Classification Scheme for Combined
Hardware/Software Reliability Modeling. MORS. Syracuse, NY. January
Simulation as Instruction Tool in Statistical Service Courses for
Engineering Students: A Practical Experience. International Meeting
of Statistics in the Basque Country (IMSIBAC-3). Bilbao, Spain.
August 1985.
A Simulation Approach for the Analysis and Forecast of Software
Productivity. IBM/FSD Regional Meeting. Houston, TX. February 1985.
A Simulation Approach for the Analysis and Forecast of Software
Productivity. IBM/FSD Software Engineering Cost Group. Owego, NY.
January 1985.
Parametric vs Non Parametric Techniques in the Analyses of
Software Engineering Data. Syracuse Chapter of the ASA. April 1983.
An Investigation of the Effects of Technology on Development
Efforts. Fifth Minnowbrook Workshop on Software Performance
Evaluation. Blue Mountain Lake, NY. July 1982.
Published Technical Reports.
For more recent reports (2000+) see "publications".
More on the Comparison of Cuban Socioeconomic Development.
Endowment for Cuban Studies. CANF, Miami. 1998.
Further Monte Carlo Studies of a Theoretical Model for Non
Gaussian Radar Clutter Characterization. Compendium of the 1993
Summer Research Program of the AFOSR. November 1993.
Further Discussion on Monte Carlo Validation of A Theoretical
Model For the Generation of Non Gaussian Radar Clutter. CASE Center
Technical Report No. 9209. Syracuse University, Syracuse N.Y.
13244-4100. December 1992.
Monte Carlo Validation of A Theoretical Model for the Generation
of Non Gaussian Radar Clutter. Compendium of the 1992 Summer Research
Program of the AFOSR. September 1992. Pages 20.1--20.18.
Development and Evaluation of a General Procedure for Assessing
Multivariate Normality. CASE Center Technical Report No. 9022.
Syracuse University, Syracuse N.Y. 13244-4100. October 1990.
Confidence Bounds for System Reliability. Rome Air Development
Center/Reliability Analysis Center SOAR-4. Rome, NY. July 1985.
Data Analysis Program Plan for the Data Analysis Center for
Software. DACS/RADC. Rome, NY. January 1983.
Other Technical Reports.
For more recent reports (2000+) see "publications".
M735 Fuze Reliability Database (Final Report). IIT Research
Institute. January 1985. (with E. Fedchak and E. Rickard.
Revision of MIL-STD-781C. Reliability Analysis Center (RAC).
March of 1984.
Baselines Analyses Progress Reports No. 1, 2 and 3. DACS/RADC,
Rome, NY. August 1983; April and December 1984.
A Comparative Study of Parametric and Non Parametric Statistical
Procedures In the Analysis of Software Engineering Data: Final
Report. Data and Analysis Center for Software (DACS). RADC. Rome,
NY. February 1984.
An Evaluation of Military Standard 781-C (MIL-STD-781C) Truncated
Sequential Test Plans When the Failure Distribution is Weibull: Final
Technical Report. (With Dr. A. L. Goel) . RADC, Rome, NY.
October 1983.
A Feasibility Study for a Combined Hardware/Software System
Reliability Model. (With K. Dey). Illinois Institute of Technology
Research Institute (IITRI) Research and Development Final Report.
Rome, NY. February 1983.
Updated XII/2018.