Brief descriptions are for the most part quotes from the various organizations homepages.

SUNY Cortland Philosophy Web Connections page - lots of links to important documents, Internet resources in philosophy, multiculturalism, Women's issues, African American and Native American sites, homelessness, etc. Includes, at the bottom of the page, access to Val140 and Utopias discussion sites.

Diversity Database at University of Maryland - Excellent resources on a wide range of diversity issues, including resources for race and ethnicity, gender, age, physical ability, and class.

Literature on Race, Ethnicity - lots of online speeches, articles, and references from Dr. Lawrence M. Hinman, Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Values Institute at the University of San Diego.

Race and multiculturalism- links to important articles online from English Department at Carnegie Mellon.

The Multicultural Pavilion - resources and dialogues for educators, students and activists including arts and music, teaching tools, statistical databases, international links and more.

Women's Studies database - The University of Maryland women's studies database, begun in September 1992, serves those people interested in the women's studies profession and in general women's issues.

Created by Kathryn Russell
SUNY Cortland - Philosophy
Last modified 8-25-99
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