A transcription of the following letter written by Sgt. Edwin Scott, Company C, 12th NY Cavalry, was sent to me on 2 August 2004 by Chris Carroll nchistorian@wmconnect.com of Wilson, NC. Thank you, Chris, for this and other contributions to the site.

Washington, NC
July 18th, 1863
My Dear Girl=

I don't intend this for a letter for I have concluded to stop writing till I receive a letter from you. But I have a meleontype [melainotype. K. Wooster] of a certain "Uncle Phinney" you wrote [would?] perhaps like to see, so I will just enclose it in this I'll send you a better one in my next I have written to you about every week since we left Salem I stand and have not recd. one single answer yet. What does it mean my dear I am afraid you have misdirected the letters. Don't fail to write me, how many you have sent and all the news generally on receipt of this. I get along very well considering the miserable Company I have got into. I have been reduced to the ranks and now enjoy the full privileges of a "High Private" in the rear rank. The most honorable position my dear that any soldier in the U.S. can hold. The Capt. As I have mentioned to you before is a very mean man and not much like Capt. Ferguson of our old Co. "E" whom you saw last winter in N. Y. I send my love to Em & Mother May God bless you all & take care of you till my return._____

I remain my dear as ever
Your affectionate
Husband To Lola

You can have a glass put over the picture and put it into an old case do not rub the face with anything. Direct you letters Co. C 12th N.Y. Cavalry, Washington, NC. I had a letter from Henry last week he is well and would like to have the war close so he could come home with me and see his mother and sisters______Ed.


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