References and Further Reading

Brown, F.G. (1983). Principles of Educational and Psychological Testing(3rd ed.). New York, New York: CBS College Publishing. (A good textfor understanding the application of statistics to test results.)

Garrett, H.E. (1966). Statistics in Psychology and Education. NewYork: David McKay Company, Inc. (Provides many examples and practiceproblems.)

Ravid, R. (1994). Practical Statistics for Educators. Lanham,Maryland: University Press of America. (Provides simple explanations ofthe statistical basics.)

Talmage, H. (1976). Statistics as a tool for Educational Practitioners.Berkley, Calif: McCutchan Publishing Corporation. (This text appliesstatistics to specific questions in education.)

Woolfolk, A. (1990). Educational Psychology(4th ed. pp. 493-525).Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. (This is an introductory textbook with a good chapter on standardized test assessment.)

Further Exploration:

The web site at The Institute forEquity and Excellence in Education from George Washington University isworth checking out. One of their many worthy goals is to "Providetechnical assistance across a broad range of measurement issues, includingstudent assessment..." The organization is concerned with fairness ineducation across socioeconomic boundaries.

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