Additional Sources

Commercial Sources:
1) ADD Warehouse.
1-800-233-9273 (US only)
Fax 305-792-8545

Webb,James T.; Latimer, Diane
ED 358 673. 1993
ERIC Clearinghouseon Disabilities and Gifted Education
Council for Exceptional Children
1920 Association Drive
Reston, VA 22091-1589
Phone:(800) 328-0272

Internet Sources

There is an ADD parents mail list. Requests to subscribe send e-mail to above address with body of message as follows:subscribe add-parents YOUR-NAME Welcome to the ADD parent's mailing list. Thisforum is a way for parents of children with Attention Deficit/HyperactivityDisorder to connect with each other and share information and support. To sendmail to the others on the list, mail to


American Psychiatric Association (1987). Diagnostic and statistical manualof mental disorders, 3rd edition, revised. Washington, DC: Author.

Bain, L.J. (1991). A parents' guide to ADD. Te Children's Hospitalof Philadelphia. Delta, 1991, ISBN 0-385-300031-X, PB, p. 216

Barkley, R.A. (1990). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Ahandbook for diagnosis and treatment. Guilford Press: New York.

Beugin, M.E. (1990). Coping ADD. Calgary, Canada: DetseligEnterprises, 1990, ISBN 1-55059-01-8, PB, 173

Clark, B. (1992). Growing up gifted. Macmillan: New York.

Garber, S & M. (1990). If your child is hyperactive, inattentive,impulsive, distractible... helping the ADD hyperactive child. Villard NY: ISBN 0-394-57205-x, HB, 235

Moghadam, H. (1988). ADDH Revisited: A concise source of information forparents & teachers. Detselig, ISBN 0-920490-78-6, PB, p. 101,106 (PAMPHLET) "A Parents guide to ADHD".

Moss, R. A. (1990). Why Johnny can't concentrate: Coping with attentiondeficit problems. Bantam, 1990, ISBN 0-553-34968-6 , PB, p. 203

O'Brien, M.A., and Obrzut J.E. (1986). Attention deficit disorder withhyperactivity: A review and implications for the classroom. Journal ofSpecial Education, Fall 1986, vol 20(3), 281-97

Parker, H.C. (1992). The ADD hyperactivity handbook for schools. Plantation, FL: Impact Publications.

Webb, J.T. (1993). Nurturing social-emotional development of gifted children. In K. A. Heller, F. J. Monks, and A. H. Passow (Eds.), InternationalHandbook for Research on Giftedness and Talent, pp. 525-538. Oxford:Pergamon Press.

Webb, J.T., Meckstroth, E.A., and Tolan, S.S. (1982). Guiding thegifted child: A practical source for parents and teachers. Dayton: OhioPsychology Press.