References Used in Creating this Tutorial

Hallowell, E., M., & Ratey, J., J. (1995). Answers to distraction. New York: Pantheon Books

Hallowell, E., M., & Ratey, J., J. (1994). Driven to distraction: Recognizing and coping with attention deficit disorder from childhoodthrough adulthood. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Jermoe, M., B., Gordon, M., Hustler, P. (1994). Comparison of american andcanadian teachers knowledge and attitudes toward attention deficithyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 39,563-566.

Horowitz, I.W., King, T.B., Meyer, E.C. (1993). Legally mandated optionsavailable to children with ADHD within public education. ClinicalPediatrics. Nov. 1993, 32(11), 702-4.

Kendall, P.C. (1993). Cognitive-Behavioral therapies with youth: Guidingtheory, current status, and emerging developments. Journal ofConsulting & Clinical Psychology, April 1993, 61(2), 235-47. another.faq