The 9 Intelligences of MI Theory




Skills and Career Preferences


Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence 

Well-developed verbal skills and sensitivity to the sounds, meanings and rhythms of words

Skills - Listening, speaking, writing, teaching.

Careers - Poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, translator


Mathematical-Logical Intelligence  Ability to think conceptually and abstractly, and capacity to discern logical or numerical patterns

Skills - Problem solving (logical & math), performing experiments

Careers - Scientists, engineers, accountants, mathematicians


Musical Intelligence

Ability to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch and timber

Skills - Singing, playing instruments, composing music

Careers - Musician, disc jockey, singer, composer


Visual-Spatial Intelligence

Capacity to think in images and pictures, to visualize accurately and abstractly

Skills - puzzle building, painting, constructing, fixing, designing objects

Careers - Sculptor, artist, inventor, architect, mechanic, engineer


Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

Ability to control one's body movements and to handle objects skillfully

Skills - Dancing, sports, hands on experiments, acting

Careers - Athlete, PE teacher, dancer, actor, firefighter


Interpersonal Intelligence

Capacity to detect and respond appropriately to the moods, motivations and desires of others

Skills - Seeing from other perspectives, empathy, counseling, co-operating

Careers - Counselor, salesperson, politician, business person, minister


Intrapersonal Intelligence

Capacity to be self-aware and in tune with inner feelings, values, beliefs and thinking processes

Skills - Recognize one’s S/W, reflective, aware of inner feelings

Careers - Researchers, theorists, philosophers


Naturalist Intelligence

Ability to recognize and categorize plants, animals and other objects in nature

Skills - Recognize one’s connection to nature, apply science theory to life

Careers – Scientist, naturalist, landscape architect


Existential Intelligence

Sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about human existence, such as the meaning of life, why do we die, and how did we get here

Skills – Reflective and deep thinking, design abstract theories

Careers – Scientist, philosopher, theologian