Welcome to PSY 501.
I will use the MyRedDragon e-mail distribution class list to send e-mail messages to the entire class so please check the address listed for you on that system. If it is not the address you regularly check please change your address in the system, or be sure you start checking that address so you do not miss class related messages.
Electronic communication: I encourage students to contact me using e-mail. However I consider all electronic communication to be a form of formal academic communication and I expect that students will follow appropriate protocols [i.e. all messages must come from a professional sounding and identifiable address, there must be a topic in the subject line, there should be a salutation (Dr. Anderson), the content should be grammatical (not necessarily essays, but not texting slang), you should identify the course you are in, and there should be a signature (your name)]. When I send out mailings to the entire class I will use the distribution list on the My Red Dragon system so be sure you check that e-mail frequently. If you send me an individual message from an alternate e-mail address, I will respond to the address from which the message was sent.
All work for this class will originate from the class web site which can be accessed at:
If for any reason you have trouble with the site, please let me know immediately.
You should log on to the web site and read through the materials available very carefully as they are designed to answer all your questions about the course. You will need to become a very careful and thorough reader for this course as there is a lot of information which is likely to be new to you at the beginning of the course.
Pay particular attention to the course syllabus. Then take a look at the assignments to get a feel for the flow of the course. Some of the readings for the course are on e-reserves in the SUNY Cortland library and information on how to access them is on the website. The password you will use is Anderson501. I will add other links to designated readings when I assign them. Finally, read the material on using LiveJournal for your discussions and set up your journal space using the instructions on the web site.
There are several different types of activities for this course. They are explained in more detail in the course syllabus, but note that each one does have an associated completion date and there is a penalty for work submitted after the assigned deadline.
I also want to emphasize that this is a 3 credit graduate level course. The College anticipates that students will spend approximately 9 hours per week on a 3 credit course (3 hours in class and 6 hours of work out of class). Since this course does not have scheduled meeting times, you will need to allocate the equivalent amount of time to ensure that you can meet all course requirements.
Again, welcome, and let me know if you have problems or questions. However, make sure you have thoroughly read the posted materials before asking me a question as I am likely to refer you to the posted materials if I know the answer there – to get you used to being more self-sufficient and independent as learners.
Dr. Anderson