Dr. Anderson
Spring 2014
Using Live Journal for PSY 501 discussions
You will need to log on to LiveJournal at http://www.livejournal.com/
The box in the upper right hand corner gives you the option to create a new account.
*** you should use 50114lastname as your user name. (e.g. 50111anderson) – that is 501 for the course, 14 for the year and your name so I can identify your posts.
-- be sure to follow the syntax above exactly as that is how you will be added to the correct discussion group
-- enter the e-mail address you use most frequently and will want to receive updates or feedback from me
-- make up any password that you can remember
-- if you have not done this before the “prove you are human” is sometimes easier to read if you squint
-- if you are asked this question - select the suggested “plus” level for your account
Next you need to add me as a friend.
To do so select "friends” in the dark blue banner at the top of the page.
Select “edit friends” (or “add friends”) from the dropdown list of options.
At the
bottom of the page you will see the option to "add friends" you
should add me. I am "andersmd"
*** Do not forget to save your changes
****DO NOT invite me to become a member, I am already one, just add me to your list.
You will usually just post your entries as responses to the questions I pose, then comment on the responses by other class members in the same way. More information about this will follow with each assignment.