Current topic #2 – due 2 March
For your second current topic paper you have been asked to prepare a document for a task force (in your school) that is looking at the effects of parental involvement in school activities.
You need to address the benefit (or lack) of having parents involved in school activities. Is it worth it to try to increase parental involvement – which is low in your school? What sort of activities seem to be the most affected. If you do decide to try to increase the parental involvement, what specifically would you propose doing to increase the involvement, and how do you see involving the parents?
In preparing your answer keep in mind your audience – the school based task force – so assume intelligent but uninformed. The entire document should not be longer than 3 pages. You may use bullets where you think they are appropriate.
Your answer needs to be submitted directly to me as a Word attachment to an e-mail (be sure to review the electronic communication guidelines in the syllabus).
I have included links to four papers you might find useful - Inner city schools, the Epstein model, Charter schools, and the interaction of Intrinsic and Extrinsic reinforcers. Be sure you cite at least 3 of these documents to demonstrate that you read and understood them. You should also include at least 2 related references that you locate yourself.
Let me know if you have any questions about this assignment.
Dr. Anderson