Thermoregulation and Exercise
Thermoregulation and
the Body’s Limits
Normal body temperature fluctuates
throughout the day:
Can tolerate a drop in deep body
temperature of 18oF (10oC)
Can only tolerate an increase of 9oF
Oral temperature is 1oF
(.56oC) less than rectal temperature
With exercise, this difference
increases since air circulates via the oral and nasal
Body Temperature
= (0.6 x Tcore)
+ (0.4 x Tskin)
equation gives the average body temperature at any given time such that:
- 60% is accounted for by the core
- 40% is accounted for by the skin
What regulates body temperature?
Contains the central coordinating
center for temperature regulation
Receives input from:
Thermal receptors in the skin provide
Temperature of the blood (as it flows
by hypothalamus) provides information
Anterior hypothalamus – stimulates heat loss
Posterior hypothalamus – stimulates heat conservation
Mechanisms of temperature regulation
When it is hot: (need for heat loss)
There is vasodilation of subcutaneous
blood vessels; more sweating
(↑ heat loss)
There is decreased muscle activity;
decreased secretion of thyroxine and epinephrine (↓ heat production)
When it is cold: (need for heat
There is vasoconstriction of skin
blood vessels; also curling up to stay warm (↓ heat loss)
Shivering and increased voluntary
muscle activity; increased secretion of thyroxine and epinephrine (↑ heat production)
Loss Mechanisms
Radiation – emission of electromagnetic heat waves
Conduction – direct transfer of heat through a liquid, solid, or gas (direct
Convection – transfer of heat via air currents over surface of skin
Evaporation – vaporization of water from respiratory passages or surface of skin
(2-4 million sweat glands)
affecting heat loss
Increased ambient temperature
Reduces effectiveness of heat loss
particularly by radiation, conduction, and convection
Increased relative humidity
Reduces effectiveness of heat loss by
Decreased wind velocity
Reduces both convective and
evaporative effectiveness
Reduced surface exposed to
Reduces effectiveness of all heat
loss mechanisms
Environmental Stress During Exercise
in the Heat
2 circulatory adjustments:
– Must
increase O2 delivery to muscles to sustain energy metabolism
– Must
increase blood flow to skin to dissipate heat; however, this takes away blood
flow to muscle
Cardiovascular Response to Exercise in the Heat
Cardiac Output
– Stays the
same during submaximal effort
Heart rate increases
Stroke volume decreases
– Decreases at
maximal exercise
Heart rate increases but not enough to offset decrease
in stroke volume
Cardiovascular Need vs Temperature Regulation Need
Maintenance of blood flow to muscle takes precedence
over regulation of temperature in the body
– Can lead to
increase heat build-up in core, hence the problem of heat illness during
Core Temperature response to Exercise
Core temperature will increase as exercise intensity
– Trained and
acclimatized individual has greater tolerance to increased body heat
Loss in the Heat
For an acclimatized person:
Sweat loss peaks at ~ 3 L/hr during
intense exercise in the heat
This would average out to be 12 L (or
26 lbs) in a day
A high school wrestler could lose
9-13% of their weight prior to weigh-in (primarily due to water restriction and
excessive sweating from exercise)
Difficult to regain this amount lost
within a 20-hr period; only about 8 lbs.
Places wrestler in a dehydrated state
of Dehydration
Fluid loss equivalent to 1% of body mass
– Increases
core temperature
Fluid loss equivalent to 5% of body mass
– Increases
core temperature and heart rate
– Decreases
sweating rate, VO2 max, and aerobic capacity
On average:
– Consume 250
ml (8.5 oz) of fluid every 10-15 minutes during a prolonged workout or
competition of moderate intensity
If working at a high level, should consume fluid at
higher amounts every 10 minutes
Electrolyte replacement can be helpful
Helps maintain plasma [sodium], sustains thirst drive,
promotes retention of ingested fluid, and more rapidly restores lost plasma
Factors that Improve Heat Tolerance
1. Acclimatization
Physiologic adaptation that improves
tolerance to heat
2 to 4 hours of daily exposure to hot
environment allows adjustment to heat within 10 days
Adjustments made include:
Improved skin blood flow
Improved blood distribution (helps
maintain BP)
Sweat sooner (lowered sweat threshold)
Sweat more
Greater distribution of sweat over
body surface (more involvement of sweat glands
Decreased loss of salt in sweat
Benefits of acclimatization can be
lost within 2-3 weeks
Factors that Improve Heat Tolerance
Exercise Training
– Increases
sweating response (sweat sooner)
– Greater
plasma volume
– Also, other
responses noted in acclimatized individual
Factors that Improve Heat Tolerance
3. Age
Not a major issue with heat tolerance
in most physically matured individuals
Have a lower sweat rate
Higher core temperature response to
Have large number of sweat glands
Different sweat composition than
Exercise at a lower intensity
Hydrate appropriately
Allow more time to acclimatize
Factors that Improve Heat Tolerance
4. Gender
– Sweating
Women have more heat-activated sweat glands
Men sweat sooner and more than women
Women have lessened chance of dehydration compared to
– Cooling rate
Women can cool faster due to larger surface area
Factors that Improve Heat Tolerance
5. Body Fat Level
– The greater
the amount of body fat, the greater potential for heat problems
in the Cold
Body loses heat approximately 2- 4
times faster in water compared to air at the same temperature
The colder the temperature, the
greater the O2 consumption
Due to additional cost of shivering
to stay warm
Body fat is protective against the
Swimmers generally have more
subcutaneous fat than other athletes not subjected to colder temps.
to the Cold
More difficult to adapt to cold than heat
With Acclimatization:
– Increase
heat production does accompany body heat loss
– Individuals
regulate at a lower core temp
– Protective
response to frostbite in periphery (blood flow enhanced to hands and feet)
Air and Exercise
Can you freeze your lungs during
Not likely, incoming cold air is
warmed up by the time it gets to bronchi
Significant water and heat loss can
occur via the respiratory tract (expired air)
Must continue to remain hydrated
during prolonged exercise in the cold
Only lose about 20% of body’s heat
through the head
Must still keep it covered in cold
Also should wear light layers of
clothes while exercising
at Altitude
With an increase in altitude, there is a decrease in
– This just
means that O2 molecules are not as close together
For example: At sea level, the PO2 is 100
mmHg; but at the top of Mt. Everest (8,848 m), it is 28 mmHg so there is only
58% O2 saturation of arterial blood
– There is
still 20.9% O2 in the air at altitude
to Altitude
It takes approximately 2 weeks to adapt to an altitude
of 2300 meters
– For each
additional 610 m in altitude, it takes an additional week (up to 4572 meters)
Physiologic Adjustments to Altitude
– Hyperventilation
– Fluid loss
(due to respiratory fluid loss to cold, dry air)
– Increased
cardiac output
Primarily due to ↑ heart rate; stroke volume
remains the same
Physiologic Adjustments to Altitude
Increased C.O. and HR
Increased pH (more alkaline)
Increased O2-carrying
Occurs due to ↓ plasma volume & ↑ RBC’s
Enhanced cellular adaptations
↑ concentration of capillaries in muscle
↑ mitochondria
↑ 2,3- DPG (improves release of O2 from RBC to
Capacity at Altitude
Aerobic capacity
– Decreases
with an increase in altitude
Approximately 1.5 to 3.5% decrease in VO2
max per each 1,000 feet increase above 5,000 ft altitude
Cardiovascular function
– Decrease in
maximal cardiac output
Primarily due to ↓ stroke volume
– Does not improve with stay at
Does training at altitude improve aerobic performance at sea
The benefit of training at altitude is for improving
performance at altitude!
Acclimation to altitude takes time and must be
– Much like
scuba diving at different depths