Ergogenic Aids

Ergogenic Aids

§     Definition

–   Substances and procedures believed to improve physical work capacity, physiological function, or athletic performance


§     Types

1. Pharmacologic and nutritional (i.e. naturally occurring hormones, drugs, nutritional supplementation)

2. Physiologic procedures

Ergogenic Aids

§    Classification

–  Drug (highly regulated)

§   A substance which changes body structure or function.

§   Stimulate hormone secretions

§   Looks like medicine and/or is administered differently than foods

–  Dietary Supplement (not highly regulated)

§   Highly refined products

§   No positive nutritional value

Ergogenic Aids

§     Basis of Dietary Supplements

–   Supplements diet or contains one or more of the following ingredients:

§   Vitamin

§   Mineral

§   Herb or botanical

§   Amino acid

§   Substance that adds to dietary intake

§   A metabolite or extract of “above” substances

–   Supplements must be intended for ingestion and cannot be advertised for use as a conventional food or sole item in diet

Ergogenic Aids

§     Currently banned substances by IOC

–   Psychomotor stimulants

§   Amphetamines, cocaine, methylphenidate

–   Sympathomimetic amines

§   Ephedrine, isoprenaline

–   Other stimulants

§   Caffeine (above certain levels), doxapram, strychnine

–   Anabolic steroids

–   Other hormones

§   Growth hormone, erythropoietin

–   Narcotic analgesics

§   Codeine, heroin, morphine

–   Masking agents and diuretics

Naturally Occurring Hormones

Anabolic Steroids

§    Definition

–  Natural or synthetic derivatives of testosterone that are responsible for the masculinizing and muscle-building responses in the body.

Anabolic Steroids

§      Types of Anabolic Steroids

–    Orally active

§   Medically used for maintaining secondary sexual characteristics- dose of 15mg/day

§   Athletes may use dosages of 300mg/day

§   Examples: Dianabol, Anavar, Anadrol


–    Injectables

§   Clinically used for rare diseases and men with low sperm counts -typical dosage of 250mg/wk for up to 6 months

§    Athletes may use dosages of 1,000mg or more per wk

§   Some injectables stay in body for 1.5 days and others up to 3 months from single injection

Anabolic Steroids

§     Effects:

–   Increase lean body mass in both men and women

–   Increase water retention

–   No substantial proof that anaerobic performance is improved

–   No proven benefit to aerobic athletes

–   Increased aggressiveness

–   Health risks including abnormal cholesterol profiles, liver tumors, temporary infertility, and increased skin problems (e.g. acne)

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

§    Obtained from urine of pregnant women

§    Increases testicular testosterone production; may later lead to desensitization in testes

§    May stimulate estrogen production leading to development of female characteristics

§    Used by some to reduce body fat

Erythropoietin (Epo)

§     A naturally produced protein hormone by the kidneys

§     Stimulates production of red blood cells

§     Increases in response to endurance exercise

§     Administration of recombinant Epo results in:

–   Increase in hematocrit (# of rbc’s)

–   Increase in hemoglobin

–   Increase in aerobic performance

–   Risk of blood thickening, ↑systolic b.p., ↑heart problems potentially leading to heart failure


Beta-adrenergic Agonists

§      Chemical substances related to epinephrine

§      Effects:

–    Used to treat asthma and other life-threatening medical conditions

–    Increase in lean body mass

–    Decrease in stored fat

§      Taken by athletes in dosages of 20-60ug/day in 2-week cycles (avoid desensitization resulting in ineffectiveness)

§      Side effects not well established, however:

–    May lead to sleeplessness, nervousness, and increased heart rate

Drug Testing

§     Effective programs are year-round, random, and unannounced

§     Tests have been readily developed to identify unnatural substances; more difficult to identify natural substance abuses-usually look for high levels

§     Athletes often use masking agents, such as diuretics to avoid detection

–   Used to dilute urine sample

–   Can be detected more easily today

Dietary Supplements

§    Not found to be effective in improving sport performance

§    Claims of benefits for improvement of sport performance are unfounded at this point

Dietary Supplements

§     Vitamins

–   Not found to be sport “enhancers”


–   Vitamins C and E are considered as anti-oxidants which may help reduce tissue damage from exercise

§   One study suggested reduction of altitude stress and improvement in time to exhaustion with Vitamin E supplementation

§   Other studies have suggested a decrease in DOMS (delayed-onset muscle soreness)


–   Supplementation could lead to toxic conditions or simply waste of money

Dietary Supplements

§     Steroid Replacers

–   Substances which are considered to be precursors to steroids such as cholesterol

§   Thought process:

–  If cholesterol products are added to diet, more anabolic steroids will be produced
§    Examples:
   - pure butter
   - androstenedione – used by Mark McGwire
            * cholesterol gandroh → testosterone
    - sapogenins – plant producers of steroids
    - boron – claims to ↑ testoterone but not true

Dietary Supplements

§    Growth Hormone Releasers

–  Amino acids that prompt an increase in growth hormone levels in the body

§   Examples:

–  Arginine
–  Ornithine

–  Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB)

§   Very dangerous substance leading to coma and seizures

Dietary Supplements

§     L-Carnitine

–   Essential for transport of free fatty acids into mitochondria

–   Found primarily in heart & skeletal muscle

–   As supplement, difficult to absorb

§   Not proven to be effective in sport performance

–   May provide benefit of keep growth hormone in system longer by the increased availability of binding proteins in the blood (from article discussed in class)

Dietary Supplements

§    Creatine

–  With supplementation, concentrations are higher in the muscle

–  Shown to enhance performance by 5-7% in short-duration, high intensity events

–  ATP levels are more readily maintained and not depleted as quickly with muscle contraction

Dietary Supplements

§     Creatine

–   Faster recoveries from intense exercise have been shown

–   If taken as creatine monohydrate in dosage of 20g/day, high levels of creatine can be maintained in muscle for several weeks

–   CHO intake can improve muscle creatine uptake

–   Short term risks seem to be minimal except for digestive system disturbances, and other related symptoms

Dietary Supplements

§     Caffeine & other Stimulants

–   Potential benefits:

§   Delay fatigue

§   Increase alertness

§   Produce euphoric “sense”

–   Caffeine (1 c of coffee contains ~ 120mg)

§   More than 3 cups of coffee prior to competition would probably exceed limit of 12ug/ml (set by IOC)

§   Less than 3 cups can benefit endurance performance

–  Due to its ability to increase availability of fatty acids

§   Potential problem → diuresis leading to dehydration


§    Most ergogenic aids that might enhance performance are banned

§    Dietary supplements are not effective in most athletic performances

§    Many ergogenic aids have health risks