ESL/LEP Module
SUNY Cortland

Terminology Quiz

Using the knowledge you gained from the Terminology page, respond to the following questions.  You will need to fill in some blanks and also supply short answers to other questions.  When you are finished, print your responses out and turn them in to your instructor.  Good luck!

1.  When speaking with a young child, you usually modify your discourse so that the child will understand you. For example, you use vocabulary that s/he can comprehend and you choose topics that are familiar to small children (such as toys, cartoons, etc.). You would not engage in a discussion of quantum physics with this youngster. You are, therefore, employing  talk.

2.  By the same token, when you make these same modifications when speaking with a NNS of English, you are using  talk.

3.  Identify the phenomenon taking place in the following mini-conversation between two NSs of Spanish who live in New York city:

“Ay, I am super cansado. I think I am going to echar una siesta.”

“Oh, no seas tan lazy. Come over to my house and we can jugar al béisbol or algo así.”

These speakers are engaging in :  the practice of changing back and forth between two different languages during a conversation.

4.  It is the first day of school and you have just received your class lists.  You notice that you have several students that appear to be of Laotian nationality.  You also have a note requiring your presence at a meeting with each of these students, their parents, and the ESL teacher.  Because you have worked your way through this module, you know that these meetings have been called in order to write an  for each of these students.  This legal document will have a large impact on how you deal with each of these students in your regular classroom.

5.  Explain the difference between ESL and EFL.  Which environment are you most likely to work after graduation?

6.  Eun is a new student from Korea.  She speaks very little English and spend a large portion of her school day in ESL classes.  Eun can be termed an  student.

7.  Billiam is from Haiti and speaks Creole at home with his family.  Therefore, Creole is his .

8.  At school, on the other hand,  he speaks English, which he has learned very well.   Thus, English is Billiam's .

9.  SLA research suggests that students must have much , or language that they can understand, in order to learn a second language.

10.  The court case that requires equal access to education for all students is .

11.  Most second language learners go through a  wherein they listen, observe, and absorb language but do little to no speaking of their own.

12.  Many language learners experience high anxiety in language classes.  This often interferes with efficient language learning.  In SLA terms, when a learner’s  is high, conditions are not optimal for language learning.

13.  Explain the difference between BICS and CALP.

14.  You are teaching an English class to graduate students from Saudi Arabia.  They are all studying Engineering and are most interested in learning to read journals and materials that deal with their field.  This class can be termed an  class because you have a particular curriculum and purpose for this group of students.

15. An educational program in which two languages are systematically used during instruction is known as .

16.  In a  class, the students study the same content area curriculum as NSs but the instruction is modified to adapt the language components of the class to meet the needs of the language minority students' English proficiency levels.

17.  Explain the concept of LRE.  Discuss how inclusion could impact your classroom.

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Jean W. LeLoup
Modern Languages Department
Copyright © 2000, 2014 Jean W. LeLoup; technical modifications Bob Ponterio