ESL/LEP Module
SUNY Cortland

Content Areas

Activity #1 - Mathematics

Ok, Mathematics preservice teachers, you are here. Peruse the articles; select one of interest to you.  Outline this article and prepare a five to ten minute oral presentation on it for your class.  Develop discussion questions to accompany your presentation and then lead the discussion.

Identifying Geometric Shapes and Their Attributes
From Help! They Don't Speak English Starter Kit, pp. 62-63

Enacting Instructional Conversation with Spanish Speaking Students in Middle School Mathematics
Stephanie Dalton And June Sison

Strategies for supporting English learners in mathematics and science classes

Teaching math to English language learners: Can research help?
Suzanne Irujo

Preparing Secondary Education Teachers to Work with English Language Learners: MATHEMATICS
 Kris Anstrom

Evaluating Mathematics Education of LEP Students in a Time of Educational Change
Walter Secada

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Jean W. LeLoup
Modern Languages Department
Copyright © 2000, 2014 Jean W. LeLoup; technical modifications Bob Ponterio