- Create a 4 page Web site with a theme related to your
interests. It could be instructional or informational. It might introduce you to your students, present classroom rules, give an overview of a place you have lived, etc.
- The entire site and only the site should be located in a folder. Name the folder "proj1".There should be no spaces in any folder or file names. Put this new folder in the same location with your Table of Contents page. (Your main TOC folder will contain the folders for each of your projects.)
- The site cannot be totally linear; it must include branching for easy navigation among the pages. Include at least one external link to an Internet web site outside of your own project.
- The first page of this project should have the file name index.html (just like your main table of contents page index.html file). Remember to uncheck Tools/Folder Options/View/Hide extensions to see the entire file name.
- Use the basic formatting & page design techniques learned in class.
Don't use any techniques that you don't understand (e.g. from
templates). Make sure that each page has an appropriate and meaningful Page Title appearing in the title bar at the top of the browser window.
- Format should include at least one table, and its size must be set as a percentage, not as an absolute number of pixels.
- Each page must include an image (jpg, gif, or png only). All images should be edited
and sized in Photoshop to make them look exactly as you need for your pages; do not resize images in your web page editor (Tell something about what you did to edit each image on your flowchart).
project must include the use of clip-art (i.e. an image that is not a
photograph), at least 1 original image (scanned or photographed, cropped & sized by you), at least 1 image downloaded from
the Internet (cite the source for all non-original images or text).
Images should be positioned on your page using tables, never using spaces. (Never use spaces to position anything.)
Be sure to label all these things (on your page and on your flowchart).
- Turn in, on paper, a flowchart or storyboard representing your site and including locations of all required items and link information.
This is just an informal outline so don't imagine it has to be
presented to the school board; this can be hand drawn on a piece of
paper. Use arrows to represent links. The key is to show what the content is and where all the links go. Include the online address of your project on your flowchart. Make sure your link works.
- Link to your Project 1 from your main Table of Contents page.
- The site can include 1 original recorded sound byte if you wish and if we get to it. Nothing fancy. Sound will be a requirement for future projects. (If you have a sound file, you can put it in your folder and link to it as you would link to another web page.)
You will give a very brief in-class presentation of your project to show what you have done and explain some choices that you may have made. You
will also need to turn in a copy of your mini-project (preferably online in your Cortland web space).
mark anything you turn in clearly with your name, the course number, and
1. n.b. It is YOUR responsibility to test and make sure that the copy that you turn in works. IOW All links work, all images appear normally. Test it on a different computer to be sure.