TEACHER: Erin McCloskey, Concord Academy

LESSON TITLE  "Cultura:  Vias de conciencia ambiental"

LESSON SKILL TARGETED  Shrum and Glison's Reading comprehension model


1.1 Interpersonal Communication 
1.2 Interpretive Communication 
1.3 Presentational Communication 
2.1 Practices and Perspectives of Culture 
3.2 Acquiring Information 
4.2 Culture Comparisons


1.1       Students will discuss their perceptions of what house and home represent in this country.
1.1      Students will discuss what they consider to be examples of behavior that reflects environmental awareness and responsibility.
1.2/2.1/3.2/4.2 Students will read an article from a Venezuelan newspaper about environmental awareness and compare their perceptions with those mentioned in the article.
4.2 Students will create a Venn diagram that compares and contrasts these themes.
1.3 Students will compose an essay that imitates the purpose of the article, composing their own 'call to consciousness.'
1.1/2.1 Students will debate the merits of the article
3.2/1.2 Students may conduct Internet research related to the article
A.  Article from Venezuelan newspaper
B.  Reading comprehension chart
A.  Pre-reading
1.  Students talk in pairs about the following question: ¿Qué es el hogar para ti?  ¿Qué representa?
2.  Teacher facilitates a quick review of sample answers and leads discussion about the role of house/home in the U.S.  What does it represent in the culture?
3. Teacher explains that the article considers the role of the home in environmental awareness and then pairs discuss what they feel are "evidencias de la conciencia ambiental" in the home; they make a list of specific examples.
B.  Identification of main elements
1. Students read the first paragraph of article, "Vias para la conciencia ambiental;" anticipation of themes/details likely to appear in the article.
C.  Identification of details
1.  Students read article are fill in chart, identifying things people can do in home and community to act responsibly.
D. Organization/revision of details
1.  In pairs, students compare charts.
2.  In pairs, students imagine they are the author and create at least two mottos about environmental awareness, based on the opinions presented in the article.
E.  Recreation of text
1.  Students share mottos on the chalkboard; discussion of their similarity to environmental mottos in English.
2.  Using their lists from pre-reading, students compare and contrast the article's perspective and their perspective about examples of responsible behavior and mentalities about environment.  Creation of Venn diagram that illustrates similarities and differences.
F.  Reaction to text/Exploration of intertextuality
1.  Students debate whether or not they feel that the article is successful in its purpose; what makes it successful or unsuccessful?  Who would respond to this article, who wouldn't? etc.
2.  Students write an essay in which they must imitate the style and purpose of the Venezuelan article and call their fellow Americans to consciousness.
3.  Students look for an article on the Internet that relates to the theme of a calling to consciousness.
A.  Perspectives on the home and its role in environmental responsibility, from newspaper article
A. Internet