Teacher: Jenifer Young
School: Medina High School

LESSON TITLE ___Ponle color a Venezuela_____

LESSON SKILL TARGETED ___gramática:  The Future Tense using the  PACE  model (Adair-Hauck and Donato, cited in Shrum and Glisan
                                                                                                                                            (2000, p.154-157)

CLASS LEVEL ___Spanish III_____
1.3     Students present information, concepts,and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
2.1     Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
3.2     Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
4.1     Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
4.2     Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
5.1     Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.

    1.3        Students present a contest of their own to the class.
    2.1/3.2  Students read and understand an advertisement for a children's contest to promote a certain product.
    4.1        Students develop the ability to express the future using will  (the future tense).
    4.2        Students compare this contest with those sponsored by the local newspaper for area children.
    5.1        Students view the actual winners of the contest in Venezuela on the company's website.

    A.  newspaper ad announcing a coloring contest and presenting contest rules
    B.  website for La Cadena Tricolor

    A.  Presentation
        1.  As a class, discuss various ways that companies promote their products.  Ask students how they would generate interest in a product they had to sell.
        2.  If one of the things they would do is sponsor a contest or promotion, what would they have to tell people who want to participate?
        3.  Explain to students what La Cadena Tricolor is and introduce their contest.
        4.  Students receive a copy of the ad for the contest and read it together in small groups.  They discuss the sponsors of the contest, both familiar and unfamiliar to them.  They compare the rules cited with similar drawing contests sponsored by the children's page in the local newspaper.
    B.  Attention to form
        1.  Students will highlight or circle the verbs that tell contestants what they will do to correctly enter the contest, and that explain the rules that will affect the drawing and notification of winners.
        2.  Students will then review their answers on the overhead to assure that they have identified all the right verbs.
    C.  Co-construct and explanation
        1.  Students will describe the formation of the verbs highlighted.
        2.  Together, the class will build the conjugation of a regular verb in the future tense.
        3.  The teacher will discuss the changes found in irregular verbs (such as podrán, found in the text) and will show students a number of irregular verbs.
    D.  Extension
        1.  As advertising executives, students will each have to develop a contest to promote a product, a service, or an idea related to a public service announcement they have seen or heard (ie, campaign against smoking, use of drugs and alcohol, etc.).  They should include the various companies who might help to sponsor their contest.
        2.  They will write the contest rules and provide additional essential information to "contestants."
        3.  They will then present their contests to the class.
        4.  Students will go to the website for La Cadena Tricolor (www.la-cadenatricolor.com  (or  www.cadenaglobal.com then click on link to La Cadena Tricolor) to view the winners and give their opinions for why they were chosen.

        children's contests in Venezuela and the various sponsors involved

        overhead projector