Teacher: Jenifer Young
School: Medina High School
email:  youngj@mcsoh.org

LESSON TITLE __Contra los ladrones de carros____

LESSON SKILL TARGETED __   reading _____ (model:  Shrum & Glisan, 2000; pp. 135-137)

CLASS LEVEL ___Spanish III_____

1.1     Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
1.2     Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3     Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
2.1     Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
2.2     Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
5.1     Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.



        1.2/2.1/2.2    Students read and understand descriptions of various anti-theft devices
        1.1/1.3          Students write and present a television commercial for one of the products and present it to the class
        5.1                Students further investigate car security systems on the Internet through the sites of the companies listed

        A.  copies of an article and two ads from 2 Venezuelan newspapers, El Nacional and El Universal
        B.  worksheet designed to show students' understanding
        C.  Internet sites
        D.  maps of South America and of Venezuela

        A.  Preparation
            1.  Ask students to list the most expensive things that they will buy in their lifetime.  List on the overhead projector.
            2.  Focus on cars.  Ask any students who have an anti-theft device in their cars ( or in those of other family members) to describe the systems.  Discuss why people think the systems are necessary and why so many people have them.
            3.  Discuss the problem of car theft in Venezuela, citing information from a newspaper report about the increase in car thefts in the state of Táchira where thieves carjack the car and take it to be sold in Columbia, dropping off the driver a few miles before reaching the border.  Using the maps, show students the places involved in the story.
            4.  Ask students if they think more Venezuelans will use anti-theft devices in their cars as a result of this and similar reports.  What form will this protection take?
        B.  Comprehension
            1.  Distribute the descriptions of the various devices available in Venezuela with accompanying comprehension exercises.
            2.  Call the attention of the students to the two ads included in the information.  Why did they choose the picture of a gun?  What does it make the reader think?  In the other ad, whose car is pictured (students will scan the information for the answer)?  What does this picture tell you about the system sold by this company?  What is the name of the company?  Does it reinforce their earlier impression about the company's system?
            3.  With a partner, students will focus their attention on the pictures and titles imbedded in the other information.  Aided by previous knowledge, they will complete the first comprehension exercise.
            4.  Students will check their answers on the overhead from the teacher's answer sheet.
            5.  Students will then read through the article with their partners for more detailed understanding.  They will complete exercise B on the handout.  Afterward, they will check their answers.  Misunderstandings and questions about the content will be answered.  Students will be asked to define rastreador from context and to identify a similar system we have here in the US.
        C.  Interpretation
            1.  Working in groups of three, students will write a television commercial for the device assigned to them.  (Remind them that ads get their message across using words and visuals in a very brief period of time.  Also remind them that they are trying to sell the product, not just describe it.  Remind them about the effectiveness of the Blincar ads)  After writing and practicing the ads, they will present them to the class.
        D.  Application
            1.  After reading and reviewing all the information given, students will write a paragraph telling which device they would buy for their car and discuss their reasons for the decision.
        E.  Extension
            1.  Tell students to imagine that it's the year 2030.  Each student will then write a description of the new car s/he just bought and the anti-theft  device it has.
            2.  Students will visit the following websites for more information on anti-theft devices:    www.multlock.com.veor www.assantocurity.com

        car thefts on the rise in parts of Venezuela
        methods available to Venezuelans for protecting their vehicles

        overhead projector