Conozca su teléfono

Partner A

Part A:   Below you will find an incomplete diagram of a cell phone.  Based on your partner's description of each missing element, fill in the missing labels from the possibilities in the following list.  Please note:  Some of the expressions on the list will not be used.

voice mail emergency key microphone battery
volume control  directional keys power on/off switch special character keys


Part B:   Now you will describe the remaining keys for your partner.  Tell what they are used for, what they might need them for.  Be creative and complete.
               If s/he doesn't understand what you say at first, repeat it (maybe many times), or try to think of a different way to say it (practice your circumlocution skills!)  You may not use the word itself or any form of the word in its description.

keys to begin and end calls numeric keys screen
select function keys voice mail


Conozca su teléfono

Partner B

Part A:   Below you will find an incomplete diagram of a cell phone.  Based on your partner's description of each missing element, fill in the missing labels from the possibilities in the following list.  Please note:  Some of the expressions on the list will not be used.

keys to begin and end calls select function keys ear piece emergency key
screen volume control numeric keys voice mail


Part B:   Now you will describe the remaining keys for your partner.  Tell what they are used for, what they might need them for.  Be creative and complete.
               If s/he doesn't understand what you say at first, repeat it (maybe many times), or try to think of a different way to say it (practice your circumlocution skills!)  You may not use the word itself or any form of the word in its description.

antenna  microphone keys for special characters
volume control  directional keys


Problemas telefónicas y sus soluciones

Partner A

A.  Imagine that you have just bought a new cell phone, but you're having problems.  The phone doesn't work right sometimes and at other times you don't know how to do what you want.  You call the phone company and describe each problem to the customer service representative.  Be sure to use complete sentences.

 sometimes an annoying sound interrupts at regular intervals while you are talking
 sometimes when you're talking with someone else, you can't hear them very well
 you don't want the phone to ring while you're in a meeting, but you don't want to miss any calls, either


B.  Now you are the customer service representative for a cell phone company.  Match the appropriate solution from the list below with the problem presented to you.  Be polite, offer suggestions, don't issue commands.

 use the numeric keys, but push each until the letter you need appears on the screen--continue until name is   complete
 buy a new battery
 push the call button after you dial


Partner B

A.  Imagine that you are a customer service representative for a cell phone company.  You receive a call from a client who is having difficulties.  As the customer describes each problem, offer a solution using the list below.  Be polite, offer suggestions, don't issue commands.

 recharge the battery
find the volume button and push until "vibrate" appears on screen
position speaker by ear and/or turn up the volume by pressing the volume key


B.  Now you are the confused customer.  Ask the customer service representative to help you with the following problems:

 you punch in the number you want, but you can't get your calls to go through
 you can put numbers into the memory, but not names
 the phone won't turn on at all (you left it in the car overnight during subzero weather)