Milk: Don't grow up
without it!
U.S. culture - milk drinking
(product / practice / perspective)
Jean W. LeLoup, SUNY Cortland
Activity 1. Identifying
cultural icons & symbols
A familiar symbol from days
past. |
What is the product?
What is the practice?
What are some related practices?
The milkman.
Milk delivered to your door. |
What is the perspective?
What does this represent in
U.S. culture?
healthy food
good for children
wholesome product -> wholesome
Activity 2. A new perspective?
A familiar slogan from present
times. |
New perspective?
Spreading the wealth:
Advertising one's own product |
Cashing in on a good thing |
Drinking milk is cool! |
Activity 3. Perspectives
in other cultures
Some examples:
1. France
"Milk (lait) is regularly
served only with coffee for breakfast and not with any other meal.
Ordering a glass of milk with a meal is not common."
Multiple perspectives:
Milk is for breakfast, period.
Milk with meals: too heavy.
It is a food, not a drink.
French meals are big and extended
affairs, not just a sandwich and a "glass of milk." (M.
Ponterio, 2005)
Dairy selection: cheeses and yogurts |
Photo: Nelly Mitchell
Health benefits? Different from
those in the U.S. -> Yogurt, green vegetables, and seafood are good suppliers
of calcium.
2. Spain
Milk in the morning for adults:
big tazón of heated milk
Kids also do this and may throw
in some Cola Cao (chocolate flavoring in Spain). (Weaver,
2005; Solana Lara, 2005)
Milk w/cereal for merienda for
kids in early evening (7 p.m.)
Milk at bedtime w/galletas
María | images/Maria.jpg
3. Mexico
Milk drinking is for kids
for breakfast and merienda (7 p.m. 9 p.m.)
A few adults may take milk in
their coffee in the morning.
Adults never drink milk
w/meals or out in restaurants, etc. (Martínez
de la Vega Mansilla, 2005)
Mexicans get their calcium from
the corn tortillas that are ubiquitous in the cuisine.
4. China
Milk drinking in the villages
is practically non-existent. (80% of the population lives in villages);
no refrigeration, no cheese, no dairy products
Dairy products:
not considered important | nutrition/dairy.jpg
& Ponterio Productions, 2005
In cities: glass of milk
for breakfast because it is perceived as healthy; no cereal for breakfast
One would never order
milk in a restaurant. (Fan, 2005)
Not considered healthy to eat
and drink at the same time
In a restaurant, you get tea
for free.
Vegetables and grains,seafood:
calcium intake comes from these
5. Brazil
Like we see in the American
movies? (Quaglio, 2005)
Café com leite in the
morning: 1/3 coffee, 2/3 milk
Some campaigns for drinking
milk to be healthy, but not usual
One would never order
milk in a restaurant.
© Jean W. LeLoup, 2005