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General Information
Student Research Projects
Course Requirements
Faculty Contacts

Is the study of exercise of interest to you?

Do you find analyzing sport performance fascinating?

Would you like to combine your interest in science with understanding more about exercise and/or sport?

Would you like to conduct your own research project one-on-one with a faculty member?

Then, the Minor in Exercise Science in the Kinesiology Department is for you!

General Information

The Exercise Science Minor is an curricular option available to all undergraduate students at Cortland College (who are not KIN majors) who not only have a sound science background, but also have an interest in exercise and sport. This minor includes an extensive background in a variety of science courses coupled with a culminating experience in exercise science. The last two courses include an Exercise Science Research course (to be taken in the fall semester of the senior year) followed by an independent research study project in the student's last semester. Most projects are then presented at either the Exercise Science Research Forum in the fall or at Transitions (formerly called Scholars' Day) each spring. This minor not only affords the student a more concentrated science degree with a breadth of integrated exercise science applications (in exercise physiology, biomechanics, and motor behavior), but could also serve as an excellent preparation for graduate school. Many of the students in graduate programs in exercise science (or related allied health areas) are from fields other than physical education (like biology, physics, chemistry, health science...). Past graduates of the program have gone on to study physical therapy, chiropractic medicine, occupational therapy, intraoperative neurophysiology, exercise physiology, biomechanics and exercise science.  This minor will offer students from these majors an opportunity to study exercise science at the undergraduate level.
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Student Research Projects

Exercise Physiology Research

Exercise Physiology

Motor Behavior Research

Motor Behavior

Biomechanics Scholar's Day Presentation


Scholar's Day Presentation 2000

Scholars' Day 

Scholar's Day Presenters 1998

Scholars' Day Presentations

Central NY Exercise Science Research Symposium

Regional Presentation

Click here to jump to the Exercise Science Student Research page for a more complete list of research projects conducted over the years plus information on the labs.

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Course Requirements for Minor

In Exercise Science
(refer to the current College Catalog for the most up-to-date information)
Course Number Course Title Credit Hours
EXS 297 Motor Behavior 3 credits
EXS 387 Biomechanics
(preq. BIO 301 or BIO 324)
3 credits
EXS 397 Exercise Physiology
(preq. BIO 301/302 or BIO 324/514)
3 credits
BIO 301 & 302
or BIO 324 & 514
Anatomy and Physiology I and II   or
Mammalian Anatomy & Physiology
6 - 8 credits
CHE 121 or 221 Elementary or General Chemistry I  4 credits
PHY 201 or
PHY 105
Principles of Physics I (coreq. MAT 121) or
Elementary Mechanics, Heat and Matter
4 credits
One 2nd level chemistry or physics related to one course taken above CHE 122 or CHE 222 or PHY 106 or PHY 202 4 credits
MAT 201/PSY201
EXS 201 or PED434
Statistical Methods or
Statistics and Assessment in Physical Ed.
3 credits
MAT 121 
or MAT 135
Calculus A or
Calculus I
3-4 credits
PSY 101 General Psychology I 3 credits
EXS 346 or
EXS 367
Sport Psychology or
Exercise Psychology
3 credits
  TOTAL HOURS 38-42 credits

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Faculty Contacts

For more information, please contact the Kinesiology Department or feel free to contact or talk to faculty in the area:
Dr. Joy Hendrick, at Hendrick@cortland.edu  or visit her web page
Dr. Jim Hokanson, at Hokansj@cortland.edu 
Dr. Peter McGinnis, at Pmcginnis@cortland.edu
Dr. Jeff Bauer, Bauerj@cortland.edu 
Dr. Wendy Hurley, Hurleyw@cortland.edu
Dr. Phil Buckenmeyer, department chair, Buckenmeyerp@cortland.edu

Kinesiology logoVisit the Kinesiology Department Home Page

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