Exercise Science Student Research Projects
in 2002-2003
Is one’s preferred jumping frequency, the most efficient?
Elizabeth Ackley, Clifford Coleman Jr., Carrie Costello, Shawn Jackett, Megan Rogers, Elizabeth Szotyori, Undergraduate Students
Faculty: James F. Hokanson, Peter M. McGinnis, Joy L. Hendrick

The Fidelity of Ski Jump Training Drills with the Take Off Phase of Ski Jumping
Elizabeth Szotyori, Undergraduate Student
Faculty: Peter McGinnis

EMG Comparisons for Trunk and Upper Body Muscles while Performing the Horizontal Press
on a Stable Bench and on a Stability Ball
Megan Rogers, Undergraduate Student
Faculty: Philip J. Buckenmeyer

Is There a Difference in Optimal Uphill Stride Frequency Between Trained and Untrained Runners?
Elizabeth Ackley, Undergraduate Student
Faculty: Peter McGinnis

Muscular Efficiency in Off-Road Cycling
Shawn Jackett, Undergraduate Student
Faculty: James F. Hokanson

Is there a best time of day to exercise?
Carrie Costello, Undergraduate Student
Faculty: James F. Hokanson

Fitness attributes of Cortland firefighters
Heidi Fralick, Undergraduate student
Faculty: James Hokanson, Philip Buckenmeyer

Physical Activity demographics of Cortland County residents
Cindy Adams, Undergraduate student
Faculty: Philip Buckenmeyer, James Hokanson

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