SUNY Cortland
Kinesiology Department

EXS201 - Statistics in Exercise Science
Practice  and Homework Problems

Spring 2012

These practice problems are all in pdf format.  Refer below if you need help in downloading these files.

These will be updated as the semester progresses.  While those labeled as "practice" will not be collected for credit, you are highly encouraged to complete them as soon as they are assigned. Spending time to complete these problems WILL help you in learning how to use and interpret stats AND help you to maximize points earned in homework and in exams!

Those assigned as homework, are when collected at the beginning of class.  Those turned in late will not be given credit, however as a courtesy, feedback will be provided.

Acrobat Reader If you do not have Acrobat Reader software needed to read this file, click on the logo to download a free copy.

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