Motor Behavior Lab

Thursday 10:05 (L13) Spring 2012

 Picture of 4th table
(From front left and then clockwise)
Matt Matone, Jake Rogalia, Casey Kardias,
Julia Lieberman
Picture of table 5
(From front left and then clockwise)
 Sheena Asibey, Dan Miller, Danny Russo, Jonathan Lam
Picture of middle table 
(From front left and then clockwise)
Sarah Nadrowski, Vikki Turner, Dana Pohlig,
Emily Woudenberg
 Picture of table 2
(From front left and then clockwise)
 Ericka Re, Tom Traavers, Ben Bowers, Shane Craig
Picture of first table 
(From front left and then clockwise)
 Kyle Anderson, Dan Mercado, Brandon Mulholland, CJ Nye

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