Motor Behavior Lab

Thursday 12:40 (L12) Spring 2012

 Picture of 4th table
(From front left and then clockwise)
Amanda Recor, Sam George, LaRon Blake,
Stephanie Paulsen
Picture of table 5
(From front left and then clockwise)
 Tim Wuebber, Corey DeVille, Jamie Kelly,
Mike Morelli
Picture of middle table 
(From front left and then clockwise)
Brendan Quinn, Justin Autera, Rich Morris,
Erik Thomas,
Picture of table 2 
(From front left and then clockwise)
 Brendan Long, Austin Dougherty, Jonathan Edwards,
Paul Rinaldi
Picture of first table 
(From front left and then clockwise)
 Tyler Phillips, Gianluca Ferrito, Shane Jones,
Carissa Ficarro

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