Motor Behavior Lab

Thursday 2:50 (L11) Spring 2012

 Picture of 4th table
(From front left and then clockwise)
Greg Sullivan, Max Stern, Tom Hopkins,
Will Parks
Picture of table 5
(From front left and then clockwise)
 Alex Garrett, John Stimson, Mark Ambrosio,
David Vistocco
Picture of middle table 
(From back left and then clockwise)
Tricia Fratta, Taylor Teal, Zach Penhollow,
Eric Marciniak
 Picture of table 2
(From front left and then clockwise)
 Julie Dunn, Hannah Johnson, Nick Lafko, Amy Chaffee
Picture of first table 
(From front left and then clockwise) (the fun picture)
 Kendra Mancusso, Matt Henrie, Maggie McNamara,
Joe Bono

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