Motor Behavior Lab

Thursday 8:00 (L11) Spring 2012

 Picture of 4th table
(From front left and then clockwise)
Liz Henry, Shannon Cooke, Clayton Bouton,
Stephen Smith
Picture of table 5
(From front left and then clockwise)
 Jared Myhrberg, Jessica Evans, Harrison Hefele,
Corey Espejo
Picture of middle table 
(From front left and then clockwise)
Lucia Meola, Maddie Weaver, Gus Karagrozis,
Kiersten Jacobsen
Picture of table 2 
(From front left and then clockwise)
 Talia Chornoma, Christopher Coles, Shawn  Zehnacker,
B.J. Simons
Picture of first table 
(From front left and then clockwise)
 Al, Shanaa, Beka Fredrickson, Kim Quartier,
Steve Mahle

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