Motor Behavior Lab

Wednesday 1:50 (L15) Spring 2012

 Picture of 4th table
(From front left and then clockwise)
Meagan Rowe, Gina Carlowe, Jesse Hartley
Kalin Merkley
Picture of table 5
(From front left and then clockwise)
 Alex Gourlay, Lindsay Tschinkel, Chris Rohle,
Scott Miele
Picture of middle table 
(From frontleft and then clockwise)
Peter Patterson, Pete Furey, Ryan Gallagher,
Abby VanderVeen
Picture of 2nd table
(From front left and then clockwise, or L to R)
 Daniel Bertoni, Geoffrey Green, Devon Howard, John Crosby
Picture of first table 
(From front left and then clockwise) 
 Chelsey Wright, Melissa Stein, Scott Decker, Mike Walton

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