EXS 511

Advanced Statistical Applications in Exercise Science

Kinesiology Department, SUNY Cortland
Spring 2011
Twirling computer
Last updated 5/10/11
 Computer Lab Info
Links to Related Sites
Notes from Week 1 pdf file
Notes from Week 2 pdf file 
Notes from Week 3 pdf file
Notes from Week 4pdf file , Quiz 1
Notes from Week 5 pdf file
Notes from Week 6 pdf file, Quiz 2
Notes from Week 7pdf file 
Notes from Week 8pdf file, Quiz 3 
Notes from Week 9pdf file 
Notes from Week 10pdf file, Quiz 4
Notes for Week 1pdf file
Notes from Week 12 pdf file
Notes from Week 13 pdf file; Quiz 5
Notes from Week 14 pdf file
Final Exam - May 17

pdf format Class notes are in PDF format.  Click here for details.

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