

Additional Required Readings: (E-reserve)


Kennedy, Kenneth.  2003.  Trials in court: the forensic anthropologist takes the stand.  Chapter 6 in Hard Evidence, edited by Dawnie Steadman.

Steadman, Dawnie.  2003.  The pawn shop mummified head: discriminating among forensic, historic, and ancient contexts.  Chapter 16 in Hard Evidence, edited by Dawnie Steadman.

White, Tim.  2005.  Osteological & dental pathology.  Chapter 17 in The Human Bone Manual.



Books of Interest at Memorial Library on Forensic Anthropology:

(See final project handout for more suggestions specific to your topic.)


Bass, William.  2003.  Death’s acre: inside the legendary forensic lab the Body Farm, where the dead do tell tales.

GN 69.8 .B37

Bell, Suzanne.  2004.  Encyclopedia of forensic science.

HV 8073.B425

Craig, Emily.  2004.  Teasing secrets from the dead: my investigations at America’s most infamous crime scenes.

HV 8073.C65

Ferllini Tims, Roxana.  2002.  Silent witness.

GN 69.8.F47

Fridell, Ron.  2007.  Forensic science.

TMC HV 8073.8.F74

Kallner, Donna.  1996.  The bone detectives: how forensic anthropologists solve crimes and uncover mysteries of the dead.

TMC GN 69.8.J33

Lasker, Gabriel.  1999.  Happenings and hearsay: experiences of a biological anthropologist.

GN 50.6.L37 A3

Manheim, Mary.  1999.  The bone lady: life as a forensic anthropologist.

GN 50.6.M35 M35

Manheim, Mary.  2005.  Trail of bones: more cases from the files of a forensic anthropologist.

GN 69.8.M36

Maples, William.  1994.  Dead men do tell tales.

GN 50.6.M36 A3

Nafte, Myriam.  2000.  Flesh and bone: an introduction to forensic anthropology.

GN 69.8.N33

Rhine, Stanley.  1998.  Bone voyage: a journey in forensic anthropology.

GN 69.8.R45

Schwartz, Jeffrey.  1993.  What the bones tell us.

GN 50.6.S39 A3

Ubelaker, Doug.  1984.  Human remains: excavation, analysis, interpretation.

GN 70.U23

White, Tim.  2005.  The human bone manual.

GN 70.W44