Here are students' reflections on things for the instructor to IMPROVE.
--One thing I would suggest is to limit group work/partner presentation. Sometimes with grad students it is hard to coordinate schedules and putting together presentations. Also I would make some of the assignments and deadlines clearer. Often I would get mixed up with what was due, when because of so many schedule changes. (Student 1)
-- Clarity of group NYS Standards projects. Connectedness of content to practice. Ideas and suggestions for implementation of Social Education in varied educational settings, i.e.: rural vs. inner city. Leniency of instructor toward those students with careers. (Student 2)
-- At first readings were overwhelming with information, but we got in a groove as class went on! (Student 3)
-- I think maybe the one thing that could be done differently is focus on less topics, but really concentrate on the topics that are chosen to be focused on. Perhaps have 3 main topics of the course and have the semester centered around those 3 topics. (Student 4)
-- Try and organize readings according to similar content. There were often times too many to remember all the information a week later. You really improved your directions. At first you were not as clear, but you definitely changed and became more clear. Time out presentations so you don't run out of time. (Student 5)
-- More focus on discussion of or activites related to the readings. More balance because we spent a lot of time on presentations of some readings while others were skimmed. (Student 6)
-- When you have students present, stick to time limit you set because many of us went way over. The assignments need to be written more clearly and specifically. State what you are looking for.(Student 7)
-- Everything is awesome! The only thing I would change would be a little more clarity in the standards assignment. I liked it but my group was somewhat confused on how to answer the questions. Everything else is great. Pelase continue to do that. (Student 8)
-- Clarity in directions and expectations (improving a lot throughout the semester (-: . Set definite time limits from presentations). Don't wait for students to arrive -- we agreed on they should not take advantage of your leniency. (Student 9)(Note from Lin Lin: We agreed on 4:30pm instead of 4:20pm. A mistake, I think.)
-- I think the Harry Wong and Teaching Children to Care were the least engaging texts. I also think the Jigsaw learning/presentation were slightly dull. In general, I don't think Jigsaw works! I think you should assign more reading and more writing! I think most students believed that our society and our school are basically fine. I think your class should show them that our school and society are ailing and that, as teachers, it is their/our job to help heal a broken system! (Student 10)
-- I noticed we did not always cover what was listed on the syllabus, so time management could be improved. Workload was appropriate for busy graduate students. (Student 11)
-- More organized readings. Standing your original instructions. (Student 12)
-- I think the chapter presentations should be changed. It's difficult for a group to meet to discuss options of a presentation at this level, unless they have a few classes to get together. The analyzing of standards was confusing. Not sure why this was assigned. Don't know what we were supposed to get from this -- ther than to reread the NYSSS AGAIN! (Student 13)
-- Articles and readings should challenge at the graduate level. Readings often didn't require much critical thinking. We see to touch on a lot of subject areas but not go in depth. Sometimes discussion gets cut off before it got started. (Student 14)
-- Make sure there is time to discuss articles that we have read for the class. The book First Days of School is a great book and dvery rteaching could nenefit from reading it but it is mostly repetition from what we learned in our undergraduate classes. (Student 15)